“Me better!”Lila said, putting her front paws on my knee and begging for a scratch.

“Lila wants everyone to know she’s better.” I rubbed her forehead, right between her horns.

Next, she went over to Raxnor to bum a piece of steak from the last of his sandwich wrap. He scowled down at her, but she had him all figured out and simply made her eyes even wider and more pleading. The big softie gave in, of course.

When she finished her treat, she jumped up into his lap and settled into place with a purr.

The shocked look on his face was priceless.

“Thank you, niña,”I sent to her.“He could use some extra love.”

“Me know. Me smart.”

He ran a hand down her back, his expression softening as she began purring even louder.

My heart gave a little flutter. Watching a big grump go all sweet for my pet made me all melty inside.

The fluttery feeling returned that night when Raxnor climbed onto our bed and curled his big body around mine, spooning me tightly.

He didn’t say a word, but this time it was okay. His meaning came through loud and clear. One huge hand palmed my stomach, holding me to him, and his tail wrapped around my thigh.

Now that I knew why he’d hidden the mating from me, the feeling of strength and safety his presence gave me returned. His family, the people who were supposed to have loved him the most when he was a child, had damaged him with their coolness. It would take time and love to heal everything in him, but I understood and forgave him.

That was me. Quick to feel, both the bad, like my initial hurt, and now the good. Abuela Maria used to teasingly call me her little mariposa, a caterpillar one minute, a butterfly the next. Whenever I got upset, she’d say, “Caterpillar, caterpillar, let my mariposa come out to play.” She’d tickle my tummy until I laughed and say, “There she is! There’s my lovely mariposa!”

Raxnor seemed to be the opposite of me. He’d held onto childhood hurts his whole life. But his were also much more serious than mine. I stroked the back of his hand. I’d need to be careful with him. A bad interaction that burned away quickly for me might linger in him.

If we were going to have a life, we needed to talk, yes. But we’d also need to find a healthy way to argue.

“Go to sleep.” He nuzzled the top of my head. “Things are going to be busy when we reach theDaredevil.”

As if his words had cast a spell, my mouth split wide in a jaw-cracking yawn.

Mentally, I was excited for tomorrow. I couldn’t wait to meet the other human women. But fatigue dragged at my eyelids.

Lila jumped up to setting pressed to the front of my calves, the thrum of her purr filling the cabin with soft, soothing sound.

Surrounded by safety and care, I drifted off to sleep.



“Dios mío! I never thought I’d see it again!” Zo-Fee jerked forward on my lap to stare out the viewscreen, transfixed by the sight ofARK 1, one hand over her open mouth.

It was an ugly brick of ship, too large and ungainly to ever enter a planet’s atmosphere safely and also severely lacking in the weapons systems an effective warship required. Scratches and dents marred the dulled metal of the hull, speaking of the centuries it had spent flying across the void. No one would ever imagine it held some of the most precious cargo in the universe—Hyoo-mon females who offered the Zaarn sent to Roam a future full of love and hope.

TheDaredevil, now that was a ship! Fast and maneuverable, the matte gray surface bristled with weapons ports. It held position beside the Hyoo-mon ship, matching its pace to the slower vessel.

A few of our larger combat shuttles were also out, adding to the protection we could provideARK 1.

We’d rendezvoused with the other ships in a fairly empty area of space.

A week ago, the crew of theDaredevilhad rescued the Hyoo-mon ship from inside the Abyss—a dangerous area of space where ships had gone missing for over a century. We now knew the truth of why. The Grug generated a telepathic field that scrambled people’s brains. Only the zurilium-coated helmets—and help from a friendly starwisp—had saved those of us who’d gone in to rescue the Hyoo-mon females.

Ever since, our ragtag fleet had been avoiding solar systems, trade routes, and anywhere we might run into another ship. Because there was no hiding that the Hyoo-mon vessel was from outside the seven sectors—it simply looked too different. The Grug controlled all spaceship production as well as most technology, andARK 1was clearly alien.

“You say most of the women are still on it?” Zo-Fee asked.