Raxnor’s hand continued to hold me up in midair, one armed, as if I weighed nothing. Once again, his effortless strength made my tummy flutter. I finally got a leg over and took a seat, my thighs spread by the width of the dragon’s back.

He handed me the pack with Lila. “Strap this to your front.”

In one quick move, he settled in behind me, his huge body pushing mine forward. His thighs wrapped the outside of mine, his chest braced my back, and his arms came around me to grab the pommel. The saddle clearly hadn’t been designed for two people.

Raxnor surrounded me, and my entire body sprang to life, tingling everywhere we touched.

Then the reins were in his hand. He gave a tiny tug, and the dragon spun until it pointed off the side of the mountain. Muscle coiled beneath us, then released in a powerful leap.

We soured out into the sky in a dizzying whoosh that made my stomach do a flip. Lila yowled, and my thighs clamped instinctively tighter, but still a giddy elation bubbled in my chest.

I’m flying!

Raxnor’s solid strength held me steady, enveloping me with safety and allowing me to enjoy this amazing moment.



I had ridden a dragon once years ago. But that experience paled in comparison to this time, as I held my soul’s breath in my arms and her delighted laughter filled me with a fierce joy such as I had never known.

The great golden wings cut through the air with whomps of sound as the dragon turned its initial fall into a glide. The beast’s muscles rippled and flexed, unleashing power only hinted at when it rested upon the ground.

Wind whooshed over my skin and lifted Zo-Fee’s hair to tickle at my neck.

The valley streaked by below us, and the sky turned a deeper orange as the sun continued to drop.

I tugged gently on the reins, turning the dragon’s head north. The thin straps were designed to break if the dragon disagreed with the demands of its rider, but our mount went willingly. All of my research on duva fruit had paid off. Thanks be to the Goddess that we’d started stocking more types of fruit once we’d realized how much the Hyoo-mons enjoyed it.

Great beats of the wings carried us higher as the next set of mountain peaks grew close, their pink tops blazing in the last of the sunlight.

Dragons resting below called out to the flyer, their deep bellows echoing in the valley. Our mount answered back, its bass voice vibrating up through my legs and ass to shake my entire body.

The kreecat let out another unhappy yowl, but my mate called out, “This is amazing!”

We crested the peaks, the rocky outcrops so close it seemed as if I could reach out and touch them. Another narrower valley opened out before us, the sides steeper, with less green grazing space.

Only one dragon rested on a crag—a loner who nonetheless didn’t want to be far from the others. It lifted its head as we passed, but remained silent, and our mount made a quieter sound, like a “humph.”

We settled into the flight, and I pulled out my comp to confirm our direction. The Zaarn network hadn’t been able to set up safe houses on the Tula home world, but we’d still created a few bolt holes for emergencies. One of them rested on the edge of the sanctuary. I gave the reins another gentle tug, pulling us back on course.

“It won’t be long.” I dipped my head down to speak into Zo-Fee’s ear. “We’re making good time.” Which was good, because purple darkened the far horizon as the sun dipped ever lower. The dragon wouldn’t like landing in an unfamiliar spot if it couldn’t see.

“I wish we could do this all night!” my mate said, even as her kreecat gave an unhappy growl. “Don’t worry, niña, that’s not going to happen. Raxnor says we’ll be there soon.”

I didn’t want our flight to end either. My body surrounded hers, greedy to touch her everywhere as my forehead tingled with her presence. I kept my arms wrapped more tightly than needed, so her back pressed firmly to my chest. My legs clamped around hers, the tip of my tail coiling forward to grip her thigh. And that sweet ass rubbed into my groin. Without a tail in the way, we were pressed flush—far more easily than I’d ever imagined two bodies could—and blood raced to my cock. There would be no hiding my erection. I could only hope she’d be too distracted by the flight to notice.

We passed over another narrow valley, this one empty of dragons. When we sailed over the next set of peaks, my comp chimed. I gave the reins two quick tugs, the signal for down.

The dragon banked its wings until we looped downward in a spiral. We lost most of the remaining light as soon as we dropped below the mountain peaks, and the gloaming desaturated the color of the ground below.

I had the dragon land on the first flat ridge we came to, so that it could take off from the highest altitude possible.

Its great wings churned the air as it slowed before thumping down onto the rock.

Zo-Fee let out a shriek of laughter as the impact made us bounce on the dragon’s back.

I clutched her to me, holding her with arms, legs, and tail. Letting go once we were down proved almost impossible—my body didn’t want to lose this contact with her.