As Diane and Harry left the barn, the chatter resumed, the excitement in the barn a little higher than it had been earlier.

‘What did Diane get in her cracker, Nana Elsie?’ Pippa leaned across the table towards Elsie.

‘She got a very special ring, Pippa, love. One which means she’s going to marry Harry.’

Pippa’s mouth fell open as she looked back down the table towards the happy couple. Diane was holding out her hand, showing everyone the ring Harry had chosen for her as they walked past, making their way outside to call her parents. ‘Can I be their bridesmaid?’

‘You’ll have to ask them, Pippa. But not now. They’ve gone to make a phone call.’ Teresa gently pulled Pippa back to her chair.

‘Okay Mummy.’

‘Phew, am I glad that went okay,’ Holly whispered to Joe.

‘I had every faith in you.’ He smiled back.

‘I learnt a new song in school last week.’ Pippa shouted above the general chatter. ‘For my contest, didn’t I, Mummy?’

‘Yes, for you concert.’ Teresa smiled at her daughter.

‘Yes, for my concert.’ Pippa nodded in agreement.

‘Did you, love? Which song is it?’ Elsie lowered the napkin she’d been wiping her eyes with to the table.

‘Quiet Night.’ Pippa grinned.

‘It’s Silent Night, Pippa, and we knew that one. We sang it in the lantern parade this year and last year too.’ Rueben spoke quietly to his sister.

‘Well, I didn’t remember it, so that’s like learning it again.’ She crossed her and straightened the gold party hat sitting crookedly on her head.

‘Oh yes, you’re right, we did, Rueben.’ Elsie nodded at Rueben before turn gin to Pippa. ‘Shall we sing, Pippa, love? I think a nice little sing-song would be the perfect end to a perfect afternoon with our family and friends.’

‘Yes.’ Pippa nodded enthusiastically, her paper hat falling into her abandoned dessert bowl on the table.

‘Here, have mine.’ Teresa took hers from her head and placed it on Pippa’s, tugging it down gently.

As Pippa began singing and everyone around the table joined in, Holly took Joe’s hand in hers. Her parents had definitely been right. Christmas was about spending time with people you loved and cared for.