Chapter Twenty

‘Oh dear, oh dear.’Elsie opened the blinds in the kitchen before trying the light switch again.

‘It’s no use, love. The electricity is out all over the bay.’ Ian stepped inside and closed the door out into the courtyard behind him as a flurry of snow followed him in.

‘Everywhere?’ Elsie sank down onto a stool.

‘The pub’s out too. When the Christmas lights flickered out, Holly and I made our way back there to grab my portable charger.’ Joe held his mobile up, the battery light blinking as it charged.

‘But what about Christmas dinner?’ Elsie rung a tea towel in her hands. ‘I need to get the turkey in now and make a start.’

Ian stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. ‘Worst-case scenario, we postpone. We can have our big bakery family Christmas tomorrow.’

Elsie turned to look at him, worry etched across her face. ‘But we can’t.’

‘Why not?’ Ian shrugged. ‘As long as we get to celebrate altogether at some point, surely it doesn’t matter if it’s today or tomorrow?’

‘Oh, but it does.’ Standing up, Elsie cupped his face in her hands. ‘Harry is proposing to Diane today. At dinner.’

Ian widened his eyes. ‘Well, that changes everything, then. Hold on, I may just have a plan.’ Pecking her on the lips, he pulled his mobile from his back pocket and tapped it against the palm of his hand. ‘I’ve not much signal. I’m assuming the closest phone masthas gone out, but I do have a couple of bars of signal. Wish me luck.’

‘Good luck, love.’ Elsie turned to Holly and Joe. ‘Oh, I do hope he manages to do what he’s planning to.’

‘Let’s keep our fingers crossed.’ Sitting down on the stool opposite Elsie, Holly crossed her fingers. She knew how much this dinner meant to Elsie and especially to Harry this year, too.

‘I can’t believe how much snow has come down just since me and Holly went for a walk earlier.’ Joe peered out of the window across the bakery courtyard.

‘It sure is coming down thick and fast.’ Elsie joined him at the window. ‘It’s beautiful though and I wouldn’t mind any other day of the year, but poor Harry must be really worrying his plan is going to be ruined.’

‘All sorted, love.’ The kitchen door swung open as Ian hurried back through.

‘What? Really? How? what have you organised?’ Elsie turned and made her way across the kitchen towards him.

‘Chris and Freya are going to host Christmas dinner at the Fair Animal Sanctuary. The blackout hasn’t affected them.’ Ian grinned and pocketed his mobile.

‘It hasn’t? That’s wonderful.’ Elsie’s face fell.