She smiled. He was right; he was always there for her. And she knew that. He had been on numerous occasions since the accident. He’d never once complained if she’d rung him upset int he middle of the night. In fact, she had he’d turned up on her doorstep, usually with a takeaway in his hand ready and willing to listen.

Propping herself up on her elbows, she looked through his messages again. What had she been thinking earlier? Why had she doubted him, herself, them both? This relationship might not last forever, however much it felt like it could right now, but now she knew one thing, she knew that Joe wouldn’t turn his back on her, he wouldn’t suddenly treat her with the disdain Mick had. Whatever happened in her and Joe’s relationship, they’d always be friends. She was sure of that.

Feeling as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, she pulled the duvet down and stood up before making her way to the window. Pulling the curtains apart, she grinned. So, this was why it felt so quiet. Snow. She peered out across the cobbles below. At last two, maybe even three inches, had fallen, and it was still coming down heavily.

And it was Christmas Day. It was snowing on Christmas Day! Walking around the other side of the bed; she perched onto of the duvet and picked up the photograph of herself with her parents. For the first time since they’d passed away, she hadn’t felt dread as she’d woken up. She felt sad that they couldn’t be together, and she knew she always would, but the dark suffocating blanket of feeling as though she’d never be able to enjoy Christmas again had lifted. Something had changed, something had happened. Whether it was being in Penworth Bay surrounded by people she had only known a short time but cared deeply for and knew they cared for her to, or whether it was because she knew she had Joe to support her, their new relationship a light in the dark, she didn’t know, but, yes, things felt different.

Kissing the pad of her forefinger, she placed it over the photograph of her mum before doing the same with that of her dad. ‘Merry Christmas, Mum. Merry Christmas, Dad.’

Placing the photo down carefully, she picked up her phone again and sent Joe a message. He’d always been an early riser. She was sure he’d be awake by now.


‘MERRY CHRISTMAS.’ WALKINGacross to Joe, Holly wrapped her arms around him.

‘Merry Christmas to you too.’ Joe hugged her back before pulling away and kissing her on the lips, his skin warm against hers.

Stepping back, she laughed as a snowflake landed on her nose. ‘I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to worry you.’

Joe smiled as they turned and began walking down the promenade. ‘No need to apologise. I’m just glad you’re okay.’ He looked across at her as if trying to work out if she really was.

‘Thanks. And I am just so you know.’ She grinned. She was. She’d found her Christmas spark again. ‘I think I’ve figured out why my parents loved Christmas so much.’

‘Oh yes?’ He raised an eyebrow.

‘Yep.’ pausing, she turned to face him, taking his hands in hers. ‘Because each and every year they got to share it with the person they loved. And me, of course.’

He furrowed his brow. ‘Are you saying that I think you’re saying?’

She nodded, her hand automatically reaching to her necklace, her parents’ wedding bands. Why had she just blurted that out? ‘Just ignore me. I shouldn’t have said anything. I know it’s too soon. It’s way too soon.’

‘Heck, no, it’s not. We’ve known each over for years, been through thick and thin together. I sure know how I feel about you, holly. I love you too.’

She grinned. It felt as though so much had happened in the past twenty-four hours -she’d spoken to Mick who had made her doubt whether she and Joe were doing the right thing by taking a chance on love together and then this morning, she’d woken up knowing she was exactly where she was supposed to be - in love with Joe. ‘I spoke to Mick yesterday.’

‘Mick?’ Joe’s face grew ashen.

‘Yes, I had a missed call from him, so I rang him back.’

‘What had hewanted?’

‘Nothing. He swore that hehadn’trung me in the first place.’Turning, shetookhis hand, and they began walking along thepromenadeagain. The thick snow covering the cobbles illuminated only by thefairy lightsdancingabovetheir heads. ‘I let his words get to me andIbegan doubting that we’d done the right thing.’

‘Us? Do youmeangetting together?’

She nodded. ‘Yes. I know how I feel about youandIloveyou,Ireally do.’ She glanced across at him. ‘But he’d said that everythingcameto an end. Hewasn’ttalkingabout me and you, but it got me thinking, worrying that if webrokeup, would we havemessedup a beautiful friendship? If we only stay together for a few months or,Idont know even acoupleof years, would we have jeopardised thefriendshipwe had before?’

‘I know whatIthink.’ Joe paused again,turningtoher.

‘That it wouldn’t? That we’d be able to go back tobeingjust friends and being ascloseas we were?’Shefrowned. Would that be possible?

‘Yes, I think we could.Dependingon why we split up, itmighttake somework, but ultimately yes, but...’ He smiled. ‘I’d rather not think about that. I’d rather enjoy our journey together and live int he present than worrying about something which may, or may not happen.’

Holly grinned and placed her hands behind his neck, drawing him towards her. ‘Good. I feel the exact same.’

Joe wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her towards him, and closed the short distance between them.

Leaning forward, Holly touched his lips with hers just as the fairy lights above them flickered and they were plunged into the darkness of night.