‘Thanks, you’re alifesaver. Merry Christmas!’Dianehugged Holly beforesteppingoutsideandwaitingfor Molly.

‘MerryChristmas,love.’ Elsie wrapped her arms around Molly before waving her and Diane off and turning to Brooke. ‘Right, Brooke, love.You andMax will be over first thing,won’t you? Daisy, Ollie and little Bonnie will be coming too.’

‘Yes,Iwouldn’t miss Christmas morning with you and Ian for the world.’Brooke smiled as shehugged first Elsieand then Hollybefore joining Diane and Molly outside. ‘MerryChristmas.’

‘MerryChristmas and be careful getting here tomorrow. Snow isforecast.’ Standing at the door, Elsie waved until they’d disappeared up the hill. Closing the door, Elsie smiled at Holly. ‘Oh, tomorrow is going to be wonderful. Not only is it Bonnie’s first Christmas but with Harry proposing too...’

Holly nodded. When she’d arrived in Penworth Bay, she’d wanted to try to be okay with Christmas again. Or at least not cry at every little mention of the festive season, but she’d never imagine that she’d actually enjoy it. ‘Yes, it will be.’

‘Right, me and Ian are going to start prepping the veg for Christmas dinner tomorrow. Are you meeting Joe this evening?’

‘Umm, I’m not sure. I don’t think so, not tonight. I’m just going to have a nap and see how I feel, I think.’

‘Oh, okay then, love.’

As she walked up the stairs to the flat, Holly focused on putting one foot in front of the other, trying their best to push away the nagging doubts she was having about her and Joe’s relationship. She frowned. It wasn’t even the relationship. That had been amazing so far. She’d never felt so close to anyone before, but that’s what was still worrying her. She cared for Joe so much she didn’t want to imagine life without him in it. If they split up and he disappeared or worse, hung around and found someone else, how would she feel then?


Sinking down onto the bed, she closed her eyes. What was she supposed to do? Give up the chance to be with him in a relationship or end it, hoping that they could salvage their friendship. Would that even be an option? And the damage already been done?

Chapter Nineteen

Holly opened her eyesand stared at the ceiling. She must have fallen asleep. What time was it, anyway? The bakery was silent. The Christmas music Elsie and Ian had been listening to whilst preparing the vegetables turned off.

She blinked. She couldn’t even hear the soft mumble of the TV from the living room. It was as though a blanket of silence had fallen over the bay. She rolled over and picked up her phone. It was 6am. she had needed the sleep. Laying back, she scrolled through her messages. Five from Joe and three missed calls as well.

Hey, do you fancy grabbing dinner tonight? Joe xxx

Everything okay? Joe xxx

Do you want me to come over? Joe xxx

Are you okay? Worried now. Here if you want to talk Joe xxx

Just popped by and Else said you were asleep. I’m here if you need to talk. I know this is a difficult day for you - whatever the time Joe xxx