‘Great, thank you. Thank you both so much for this.’ Harry looked from Elsie to Holly and back again.

‘You’re more than welcome, love.’ Elsie grinned.

‘Roth, I’d better get back over there before Diane realises I’ve wandered off.’ Harry hurried away.

Elsie grimaced. ‘Now I just need to make sure I told lose it.’

Holly laughed. ‘You won’t.’

‘No, you’re right. I don’t think I’ll guard anything more than I will this.’ She smiled. ‘I can’t wait to see Diane’s face at Christmas dinner.’

Chapter Eighteen

Holly stepped outsideand closed the bakery door behind her, shutting out the hubbub of chatter as people queued to collect their treats for this evening, Christmas Eve. Elsie was closing up early, so the queue of people hadn’t seemed to ease at all. Holly had offered not to take a lunch break. She’d have been more than happy to work through the whole day, but Elsie had insisted.

She took a deep breath as she walked down the steps to the beach below. It was almost deserted, a stark contrast to the evening of the lantern parade. Two dog walkers were walking int he opposite direction, towards the lighthouse. She’d soon have this section of the beach entirely to herself. She grinned. It was strange to think how much her life had changed within the couple of weeks she’d been here. She’d lost her job but had begun to form an idea of a new one. She and Joe had got together, and she’d possibly found a new home. Well, a new village to call home, anyway. She and Joe had decided they’d stay on at the pub for a while. Until they formed any longer-term plans, that was.

Yes, she could see a new, entirely different future for herself now. A future she felt excited about. A future which gave her butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought about it.

She checked her watch. She still had over half an hour. Maybe Joe would be able to take a break from his work, too. Knowing the bakery was going to be manically busy today, they hadn’t arranged to meet for lunch, instead agreeing they’d go with the flow and catch each other affect work, if nothing else.

Pausing, Holly pulled her mobile from her pocket and froze. That was strange. She had a missed call. From Mick. What was Mick doing ringing her? She frowned. Maybe he just wanted to check in with her, make sure she was okay? After all, it was Christmas Eve, and he knew how difficult the past few Christmases had been for her.

But wouldn’t he have rung last Christmas if that was the case? He hadn’t contacted her at all. He’d finished with her two weeks before Christmas and that had been it. Silence ever since.

She shrugged. He hadn’t left a voice message, so the only way she’d find out was if she rung him back. She clicked on his name and pressed Call before she talked herself out of it.

‘Hello?’ His voice was uncertain. As if he didn’t know who was ringing him. Had he deleted her name from his contacts? No, he couldn’t have, or he wouldn’t have been able to ring her in the first place.

She cleared her throat. It felt odd speaking to him again. ‘Hi, it’s Holly. I’m just returning your call.’

‘Holly? Oh, Holly.’ He sounded surprised.

‘Yes, you rang me. I’m just returning your call.’ Why did he sound so shocked to hear from her? Hadn’t he expected her to call him back?

‘I didn’t ring you.’