‘I like that idea. I could ask Pippa, Rueben and Toby to make some name cards.’ Elsie nodded.

‘Yes, yes. I think that could work.’ Harry jumped as his ringtone filled the kitchen. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he grimaced and held it up. ‘It’s Diane. She’s probably wondering where I am.’

‘Right, off you go then, love. We don’t want to give her any reason to make her suspicious. Are you working from home today?’ Elsie stood up and held the door to the courtyard open.

‘Yes.’ Harry kicked his stool back under the table, his phone still ringing in his hand.

‘Right, in that case, I’ll pop by yours at lunchtime and we can finalise details.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ Harry held the phone to his ear as Elsie quietly clicked the door shut behind him, waiting until he was halfway up the path towards the back gate before she turned to Holly. ‘Ooh, that’s so exciting!’

Holly grinned. ‘It is. They seem to make a really great couple.’

‘Oh, they really do. They’ve done wonders for each other. When I think back to the Diane who came to volunteer here three years ago to the person she is today...’ She shook her head. ‘Well, they really have done wonders for each other.’

Holly nodded. What did Elsie mean? Diane was the happy, bubbly one of the staff members. Hadn’t she always been then?

Chapter Fifteen

‘Aw, here comes yourthree, Teresa.’ Diane called across the bakery counter towards Teresa, who was clearing pens from the floor and placing them back on the tables.

‘Oh, really?’ Straightening her back, Teresa grinned and made her way to the door as three children ran inside, each hugging her in turn.

‘Can we make the lanterns now, Mummy? Can I decorate my lantern?’ Pulling quickly away from her mum’s hug, Pippa jumped up and down, looking around the bakery.

‘Yes, yes, of course you can. You three go and find a table.’ Teresa watched as they sped across the bakery floor, settling at a table but he window before she turned to her partner, Gavin. ‘I’m so glad you managed to get this afternoon off work.’

‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’ Leaning forward, he pecked her on the lips before joining Pippa, Rueben, and Toby at their table.

‘Do you want to go over and decorate a lantern with them and I’ll take over at the coffee and cake counter?’ Holly walked out from behind the baker counter. ‘Diane and Brooke, you’ll be fine without me, won’t you?’

‘Yes, we will.’ Diane grinned. ‘We’re not that busy, anyway.’

‘Thank you.’ Teresa slipped her apron off and joined her family at the table by the window.

Stepping behind the coffee and cake counter, Holly watched as mums and dads sat at the tables helping their young children to decorate a paper lantern, whilst older children, even teenagers, happily sung along to the Christmas music playing whilst they felt tipped baubles, Christmas trees and angels onto their lanterns.