The crackle of a microphone broke through her question and a man with a goatee stood at the front of the upstairs floor of the bus. ‘Good evening, folks. I’m Hector and I’ll be your host tonight as we make our way around the spectacular Christmas lights of Trestow.’

turning slightly, she settled her back against Joe as the bus pulled out onto the roads of Trestow.

‘And the first lights we’ll see are the ones of Bridge Street, famous for, of course, the old bridge crossing the river but also for the old shoe factory which once breathed life into Trestow, offering the townspeople employment.’ Hector held his hands upwards, indicating the lights above them. ‘And the lights, first paid for and hung by the management of the shoe factory and which tradition still continues today.’

Holly looked up as the bus slowly made its way down the street. Huge yellow angels hung between the roofs of the buildings, a thousand small lights illuminating the sky. Yes, this was nice. With Joe beside her and the magic of Christmas lights surrounding her, she smiled as a million memories of happy times with her parents filled her mind. What would they think of her and Joe getting together? She laughed. She knew the answer to that. They’d have been pleased, happy for her. Both of them had always thought highly of Joe. Ever since he’d brought him home with Susie and Lara for pizza after college, they’d fallen in love with him. Yes, they’d be happy. And quite possibly relieved that she’d moved on since Mick. now there was someone they’d never approved of.

‘Look at the lights down there.’ Joe tapped her shoulder and pointed to a side street to their right.

Holly grinned at the green, red and yellow bulb-shaped lights trailing across the sky. Simple and yet just as beautiful as the extravagant ones they were being shown.


HOLLY SHIVERED AS SHEbolted through the bakery door, pulling Joe in behind her before shutting the door. ‘I don’t think I’m ever going to warm up.’ Hugging her middle, she tried to stop her teeth from chattering. ‘I’m so cold.’

‘It’s got to be snow weather. actually, it’s probably too cold for snow.’ Joe walked across to her and took her in his arms, rubbing his hands up and down her arms in an attempt to warm her up.

‘I think the people sitting downstairs on the bus had the right idea.’ she spoke into his coat her voice muffled. She wasn’t ready to step away from him yet, to step away from his warmth.

‘Haha, I think you’re right.’

‘It was beautiful though, seeing all the lights and it was nice to learn more about the history of Trestow too.’ She shuddered.

‘It was.’ He kissed the top of her head before bringing her in closer to him. ‘Any warmer?’

She nodded. ‘A little.’

‘Next time we’ll know to bring a blanket, and warmers and a hot water bottle.’

‘Yes.’ She closed her eyes. Despite the freezing weather, the evening and been perfect. She looked up at him. ‘I’m so glad you told me how you felt.’

A large grin spread across his face. ‘I am too.’

‘Elsie had much the same conversation with me when you were helping Ian put up the shed for the grotto.’


‘Yep. She told me how she wished she and Ian had admitted how they felt about each other years before.’ She closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath, the aroma of his familiar aftershave filling her lungs. ‘I wonder if they saw what we felt for each other.’

‘Huh, I wonder if they did.’ Joe kissed her forehead, his lips still cold from the bus tour. ‘I’m so grateful Ian came and spoke to me and gave me the courage to come clean with you.’

‘Me too.’