Chapter Two

‘You’re a natural, Tammy, love.’ Elsie looked up from the pastry she was rolling and nodded towards Tammy.

Grinning, Tammy slid the last of the cookies she’d baked onto the wire rack to cool. ‘My gran used to own a bakery, and I’d sometimes help out during the summer holidays.’ They’d been the best summers, the ones she’d been able to escape the chaos of home and work at her gran’s bakery in the village. She’d always been an eager learner, which was likely why she’d been an easy target to be picked on at school, so learning to bake combined with spending time with her gran and the peace of her little cottage had been Tammy’s teenage dream.

‘Really? She taught you well then. Those cookies are perfect.’

Looking down, Tammy blushed. ‘You’ve not tried them yet.’

Pulling her apron from over her head, Teresa reached across the table and took one. ‘I’ll happily be your taste tester.’ Grinning, she bit into one. ‘Yep, perfectly delicious. Now I’d better leave and take the kids to school before I’m tempted to hide away here and eat them all.’

Elsie chuckled. ‘Oh no, you don’t. Our customers won’t forgive you.’

‘Haha, maybe not, but Tammy, they are really good. And believe me, I know my cookies.’ Teresa shrugged into her coat and pulled open the back door out into the courtyard and narrow lane behind. ‘See you in a bit.’

‘Bye, love. Give those gorgeous kiddies a cuddle from me, won’t you?’ Elsie called before turning back to her pastry.

‘I will.’ Teresa closed the door behind her, half the cookie still in her hand.

‘So, tell me, did you help out at your gran’s bakery often?’

‘I tried to, but it was mostly just in the summer holidays and occasionally during half term too, but I think that only happened a couple of times.’ Tammy smiled as she poured fresh ingredients into the bowl in front of her, watching the sugar cover the yellow mounds of butter, a fine sprinkling of diamonds. ‘My gran lived in a village an hour or so away from where I grew up and my parents were often busy with work or my brothers and sisters so it wasn’t as though we could just pop in for a visit. It meant when I did go and stay, it was even more special.’

‘That sounds lovely.’

‘It was.’ Tammy nodded. She could smile now when she looked back on those days and weeks spent staying with her gran. For a long time after she’d passed away, she couldn’t. Those memories were filled with sadness. Now, though, she saw them for what they were—something to treasure.

‘Hopefully, you’ll enjoy working here too, then, love.’ Elsie turned her pastry over and began rolling in the other direction.

‘Yes, I think I will.’ Tammy grinned. She’d enjoyed baking this morning, and it had been nice to meet Teresa. Yes, she was looking forward to this.

‘Morning!’ A voice wafted in through the closed kitchen door.

‘Oh, that’ll be the others.’ Elsie wiped her hands on her apron and looked across at Tammy. ‘I’ll get some fresh coffee on.’

The kitchen door burst open, and a group of three women stepped into the kitchen.

‘Morning, you three. Tammy, this is Diane, Brooke and Molly. You three, meet our new volunteer, Tammy.’ Elsie spooned coffee grounds into the cafetière.

‘Hi Tammy, great to meet you.’ Molly stepped forward and gave Tammy a quick hug around the shoulders.

‘Good to have you here.’ Holding her hand up, Brooke grinned.