‘So, we have an hour to get all this food to the lighthouse and set up?’ Jude nodded. ‘We can do that.’

‘Yes, but we’ve also got to get everyone in place to surprise him.’ Elsie picked up her keys before taking a couple of trays.

‘Josh messaged a few minutes ago to say that people had started to arrive already.’ Tammy held up her phone.

‘Oh, that is good. We want everyone to get there early so Ian doesn’t see people traipsing across the causeway and give the surprise away.’

‘Right, let’s get this party food on the road then!’ Diane grinned as she turned from Harry and began loading other people’s arms with cake boxes and trays until the tables were empty.

With a pile of cake boxes in her arms, Tammy stepped out onto the cobbles and waited until Elsie had locked up before falling into step with her.

‘I can’t wait to see Ian’s face when he opens the door to the lighthouse and sees everyone there. I’ve told him we’ll just celebrate his retirement quietly with a meal down the pub, so I don’t think he expects a thing.’ Elsie smiled as they made their way down the steps to the beach.

‘It’ll be brilliant then.’

‘Yes, I hope that it will.’ Elsie nodded. ‘And Josh has been a real star in letting us use the lighthouse, even though he’s all moved in now.’

Tammy grinned.

‘He’s a good lad, he is.’ Elsie paused and shifted the trays in her hands a little before continuing. ‘How are things going with you both? You seem happy?’

‘I am.’ She shrugged. ‘And honestly, it’s been brilliant so far. We have so much fun together and are so similar in a lot of ways.’

‘Aw, love, I’m pleased for you.’

‘Thanks.’ Looking ahead, Tammy squinted into the distance. ‘Are there people lined up along the pathway to the lighthouse?’

Elsie tilted her head. ‘Yes, I think there is. I wonder what they’re all up to.’

Diane squealed. ‘I think I know. I mentioned to Teresa that I was worried about us carrying all of this across to the lighthouse with the rocks being so slippery and she said she’d try to sort something out. She must have got everyone together to form a conveyor belt to pass the food along to the lighthouse.’

‘Haha, that’s a brilliant idea.’ Lauren laughed.

‘Oh, it really is.’ Elsie used her shoulder to wipe at a tear running down her cheek. ‘It makes me feel so touched to know how many people care for Ian and are willing to help celebrate his retirement.’

‘Aw, Elsie. You can’t be crying happy tears already!’ Diane grinned. ‘I hope you’ve brought plenty of tissues?’

Elsie chuckled. ‘What do you think my handbag is for?’


‘SHHH...’ JUMPING OUTfrom her hiding place behind the sofa, Pippa stood in the middle of the room and held her forefinger against her lips. ‘Grampy Ian will hear us if we’re not really really quiet.’

‘Sorry, Pippa. We will be.’ Harry chuckled as he turned to Diane and raised his eyebrows.

‘Oi! It was you chatting with Owen. Nothing to do with me.’ Diane shrugged and laughed.

‘Shhh!’ Pippa spun around in the middle of the room, looking at the crowd of people either hiding behind the sofa and curtains or standing silently against the walls before going into the kitchen and shhing the group of people huddling in there.

‘Ooh, here they come. Everyone duck down and I’ll turn off the lights.’ Elsie stepped back from where she’d been peeking out of the window and flicked the light switch.

Tammy reached down and slid her hand into Josh’s, waiting for him to interlock his fingers through hers. They were standing to the side of the door so that they’d be hidden when Ian and Ollie opened it. Looking up at him, she smiled. He still looked tired, which had meant he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep last night either. Something was definitely wrong, but she couldn’t very well force him to tell her. All she could do was to be there for him when he was ready to.

Glancing down at her, Josh kissed her on the top of her head before looking back up.

Silence swept across the room as the front door opened and Ian stepped through. His eyes focused on Ollie behind him as they spoke. The hush continued until Ian stopped talking and turned around. After seemingly being completely oblivious to the forty or so people hiding in his former home, he froze as people jumped out from their hiding places and filled the living room, pulling party poppers, smoke filling the air and streams of brightly coloured strips of paper falling down around him.
