Tammy grinned as she saw Diane looking at her out of the corner of her eye. ‘Well, it’s great to see you. Umm, I don’t think I have any, actually.’

‘I was hoping you’d say that.’ Josh laid his hands on top of the counter. ‘Did you fancy grabbing some chips and eating them on the beach?’

Tammy glanced out of the window. Diane had been right about predicting rain. A fine sheen of water was glistening against the cobbles and the windows were speckled with raindrops. She shrugged. She knew how Josh felt about the beach and he knew how she felt. Rain wouldn’t stop them from enjoying chips and a walk along the sand. ‘Yes, that would be lovely.’

‘Great. Do you want to message me when you know what time your break will be?’

‘I will.’ Tammy touched his hand briefly as Elsie rushed up to the counter and patted Josh on the arm. ‘Josh, love, oh am I glad to see you!’

‘Hi, Elsie. What can I do for you?’ Josh turned to face her.

Elsie glanced quickly out of the window. ‘Can I borrow you in the kitchen for a few moments, please? I just have a couple of things to run past you for Ian’s retirement party and he’s due back any moment now.’

‘Uh, yes, of course.’ Josh smiled at Tammy before following Elsie through to the kitchen.

‘You’re smitten, aren’t you?’ Diane nudged her shoulder before picking up a paper bag.

‘What? I don’t know what you mean.’ Tammy felt the familiar heat of a blush flashing across her cheeks.

‘Oh yes, you do.’ Diane grinned, a glint in her eye.

Scrunching up her nose, Tammy laughed and turned to the customer in front of her. ‘Hi, what can I get you today?’

‘Oh, let me see. I have a list somewhere.’ The woman patted her coat pockets down before pulling a scrap of paper from her handbag. ‘Can I have two cheese and onion pasties, four traditional Cornish pasties, and six of your doughnuts please?’

‘Of course. Coming up.’ Tammy turned to pick up the tongs and froze. Ian had just walked in. ‘Hi, Ian, how’s Brooke?’

Coming up to the counter, Ian clasped his hands on top. ‘I think she’ll be okay, love. A bit of rest should do her the world of good.’

‘Great. That’s good to hear.’ She placed the pasties into bags as Ian pulled his phone out and began to scroll through. ‘That’ll be ten pounds and fifty pence, please?’

‘Thank you. They’re not all for me.’ The woman laughed as she tapped her card against the machine. ‘My colleagues love Elsie’s pasties and I was down this way, so they’re for a special treat.’

Tammy glanced quickly at Ian. He was just pocketing his mobile. ‘I hope you all enjoy them then. Thank you.’

‘Thanks. Bye.’ Bundling the bulging paper bags into a canvas tote bag, the woman slipped her card back into her purse and turned to the door.

Looking at the next customer, Tammy grimaced as she noticed Ian heading towards the kitchen. If he got there before she could warn Elsie and Josh, the surprise retirement party might not be such a surprise anymore. ‘I’m so sorry, Diane will serve you just a moment. I just have to run to the kitchen quickly.’

The man in front of her nodded and stepped back into the queue.

‘Ian, Ian, hold up.’ Rushing around from behind the counter, Tammy caught up with Ian and stood in front of the kitchen door, blocking his way.

‘Is everything okay, Tammy?’ Ian frowned.

‘Yes, yes, it is. You said Brooke was okay, did you, Ian?" She raised her voice at his name. ‘You’re back here now?’

Frowning, Ian looked down at himself. ‘Yes, yes, I’m back and ready to work. I just need to speak to Elsie quickly.’

Tammy jumped from foot to foot. She didn’t think she could delay him much longer. ‘You’re going to the kitchen to talk to Elsie. Is that right, Ian?’

‘I am. I won’t be long, love.’

‘Right, okay. Hope everything is okay in the kitchen, Ian.’ With her last effort, Tammy stood to the side and watched as Ian walked through the door. There wasn’t anything else she could do. Sighing, she glanced at Teresa, who was serving behind the coffee and cake counter.

Teresa shrugged. ‘You did all you could.’

‘Yes.’ Tammy grimaced before heading back towards the counter.