‘Over here, Tammy, love. I’ve already loaded a plate for you. Come sit down and tuck in.’ Elsie waved at her, indicating the chair next to hers.

Smiling, Tammy made her way towards her. It was only when she was a few feet away that she realised who would be sitting on the other side of her - Josh. Her heart sank. She’d forgotten he’d been invited. She paused and pulled at her sleeves. Anything to delay the inevitable. Swallowing, she forced herself to make the last few steps and pulled her chair out. ‘Thanks, Elsie.’

‘I’ve saved you a bit of gravy, too. Only just though, I think Gavin was about to drown his dinner in the stuff.’ Elsie held up the gravy boat.

‘It’s not my fault your gravy is too delicious to ignore.’ Gavin called across the table, a roast potato dripping with gravy from his fork.

‘That would be Tammy you need to thank for today’s gravy.’ Elsie grinned as she placed the gravy boat down in front of Tammy’s plate.

‘Well, thank you then, Tammy.’ Gavin nodded towards her.

‘You’re welcome.’ Sitting down, Tammy inched her chair in and picked up the gravy boat.

‘Hey.’ Glancing at her, Josh held up his hand.

‘Hi.’ Quickly putting the gravy boat back down, she stuffed a mouthful of bread sauce in her mouth. If she could just focus on eating and getting through this meal, then maybe she’d be able to offer to help clean up and hide away in the kitchen.

‘Can we talk?’ Josh’s voice was low and deep creases formed between his eyebrows as he leaned in towards her.

She swallowed and looked around the table. Elsie and Ian were chatting to Wendy and Connor opposite them, Gavin and Teresa were deep in conversation with Lauren and Charlie and judging by the loud bouts of laughter coming from the other end of the table, everyone else was preoccupied and busy catching up. They could talk now. No one would overhear, but did she want to? ‘I don’t think we should. Not right now.’

‘No, you’re probably right.’ Josh nodded slowly before turning his attention to the plate in front of him.

Tammy stabbed a pea with her fork, catching it first time. She was being unfair. She knew she was. He deserved an explanation; she just wasn’t quite sure what to say to him. Did she tell him the truth - that a relationship between them would be a waste of time? Not just due to the fact they lived hours apart, but also due to the fact that she just wouldn’t be enough for him.

‘So, Tammy, Elsie says you’re quite the chef.’ Gavin called across the table.

‘Oh no, I’m just bumbling my way through.’ Tammy shifted in her seat. She really wasn’t a chef. She only knew what she had been taught. ‘I’ve just been lucky so far and not burnt anything!’

‘Now, that’s not true, love. You’ve got a real talent.’ Elsie rubbed Tammy’s forearm. ‘It might be difficult to accept praise sometimes, but you deserve all the praise you’re given.’

Looking down at her plate, Tammy felt the hot flush of self-consciousness flash across her cheeks and glanced across at Josh. Good, at least now he was chatting to Charlie and hadn’t noticed. ‘Thanks.’

‘I agree with Elsie. And your cakes are flying off the coffee and cake counter.’ Teresa smiled before noticing Tammy’s blush and changing the subject. ‘Does anyone know when the next craft fair is being held up at the community hall? It’s Gavin’s mum’s birthday soon, and she usually likes something handcrafted, doesn’t she, Gavin?’

‘She sure does. She still talks about those cushions we got her from the craft fair last year.’ Gavin nodded in agreement.