‘Well, that was my best friend from work on the phone, Ellie, and she’s making another group chat dedicated to the wedding so I don’t have to hear about it all or see any photos they choose to post or send to each other.’

‘That’s a good idea.’

‘Is it?’

‘Isn’t it?’ He frowned. ‘You want to hear all about your ex’s wedding?’

‘Well, no, but I also don’t want to feel excluded from the friendship group.’

‘Are they keeping the normal chat group open?’

She nodded slowly. ‘Yes.’

Taking a deep breath, he turned to look at her. ‘Then I would graciously thank her and take what she’s doing at face value. You’re a friend of theirs and just because you’re not invited to the wedding of the century, I don’t think they’re going to forget about you.’

‘I guess so.’ Locking eyes with him, she grinned. ‘And it’s the wedding of the millennium, not the century.’

‘Ah, I apologise for underselling it.’ He leaned in a little closer, their eyes still locked together.

‘Thank you. I know it probably sounded daft.’ It did. She knew it did. And she also knew nothing about the way she was feeling really had anything to do with the group chat. The group chat was just another reason to highlight why she hadn’t been good enough for Andrew, even after four years together. And yet Jennifer had after a mere few months.

‘Not at all.’

‘It did. But thank you for listening.’ She could feel the warmth of his breath on her lips.

‘Thank you for telling me.’ Lifting his hand, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Closing her eyes, she closed the tiny gap between them, feeling his lips, soft and warm, against hers. What was she doing? She’d promised herself she wouldn’t let this happen. She’d felt something between them, and she’d promised herself she wouldn’t act upon it. She couldn’t have her heart broken again. She just couldn’t. Quickly pulling away, she jumped down from the picnic table. ‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have. That shouldn’t have happened. I have to go.’

‘Wait. I...’

Turning on her heels, she walked quickly away from him, stumbling over the kerb as she ran across to the other side of the road, trying to put as much distance between them as possible.


She glanced across at him. He was standing now, his eyebrows knitted together as he watched her walk away. Biting down on her bottom lip, she tasted blood as she pierced the skin with her teeth. She shouldn’t have kissed him. She couldn’t be a stepping-stone again. Not for Josh. She didn’t want to be. She’d rather have nothing between them than he finish with her, only to go on and find the love of his life. She couldn’t.