‘I’m sure we will. And I bet you’re glad you decided to order the same or your food jealousy would be at boiling point?’ Josh grinned before taking a bite of his bagel.

‘Absolutely.’ Sipping her latte, she looked at him. What had he been about to say?

‘So, you’re enjoying working at the bakery then?’ Josh spoke between mouthfuls.

‘Definitely. Everyone is so friendly.’

‘I’ve not seen you in there yet. Are you working in the wedding planning office or something?’

‘Yuck, no. I’m in the kitchen baking. My gran used to own a bakery, and I’d visit during the school holidays. I used to love helping her and baking, so this makes me feel close to her again.’ Tammy smiled.

‘That would explain why I’ve not seen you around.’ Josh took another bite of his bagel.

‘Yes. I hide out in the kitchen.’ She laughed before grimacing. She’d forgotten to pass on Elsie’s message. ‘I’m so sorry, Elsie asked me to pass a message on yesterday and I clean forgot to.’


‘Yes. She asked if you’d like to come over to the bakery for dinner tomorrow night?’


‘Yes, sorry I should have asked you yesterday.’

‘No need to apologise. I guess I can. What else have I got to do having only just moved here?’

‘Unpack?’ Grinning, she raised her eyebrows.

‘Haha, yes unpack. Although empty boxes would mean an empty stomach, too.’ He shifted in his chair. ‘No, I’ll come. Thanks for passing on the message.’

‘Even if it was late.’ She shook her head. How could she have forgotten? She took the last bite of her bagel. ‘Yum, that was delicious.’

‘It was, wasn’t it?’ He looked across the room. ‘Do you fancy a walk along the beach? It’s still super busy so we should probably let someone else have our table now we’ve finished, but it would be good to chat some more. If you want to?’

Twisting around in her chair, Tammy looked across towards the counter at the front of the cafe. Sure enough, a throng customers were queuing presumably for takeaways whereas others were huddled to the side of the counter peering around the cafe looking for empty tables to occupy. ‘Good idea.’

Chapter Seven