‘Oh, it’s stunning.’ Brooke picked it up, turning it over in her hands. ‘The lighthouse looks just like the one here in Penworth Bay and the figure of Ian, wow! Carrie has really captured him!’

‘She really has, hasn’t she?’ Elsie wiped a happy tear from her eye. ‘I thought it would be nice to have it on display at the party. Let everyone see.’

‘That’s a great idea.’ Brooke nodded as she carefully placed the ornament back in the box.

‘Would you mind taking these up to the lighthouse, Brooke, love? Ian is popping round at some point, and you know what he’s like. I don’t want him even getting a whiff that we’re up to something.’ After securing the lid, Elsie began piling the boxes up again.

‘Yes, of course.’ Brooke slipped her apron off and laid it on the table.

‘Are you sure you don’t mind, love?’

‘Not at all. A nice walk along the beach would be lovely, anyway. Plus, I’ve not met the new lighthouse keeper yet, so it’ll be good to see him and welcome him into the bay.’ Brooke picked up the largest box before piling the rest on top.

‘Oh, he seems a lovely lad. I went out for a meal with him last night with Ian. I think he’ll fit in just right.’ Elsie grinned. ‘Talking of which, do you mind asking him if he’d like to come to our bakery family dinner tomorrow night, please? I meant to ask him at dinner yesterday but clean forgot.’

‘Okay. I’ll try to remember.’ Brook grimaced. ‘Iwillremember.’

‘Thanks, love. Don’t worry if you don’t. I can always ask him another time.’ Elsie patted the box on top of the pile.

‘Morning!’ As Ian’s voice wafted through from the bakery seconds before the kitchen door opened, Elsie, Brooke and Tammy all looked at each other.

‘Morning, love.’ Stepping forward, Elsie placed her arm around his shoulder and began steering him back towards the door. ‘Do you fancy grabbing a slice of cake from Teresa?’

‘Ooh, cake sounds good. I just need a quick word with Brooke first, though.’ Ian pecked Elsie on the cheek before turning back towards Brooke and Tammy. ‘Brooke, love... now that looks interesting. What have you been ordering?’

‘Umm... just...’ Brooke looked from Ian to the boxes and back again.

Slipping her apron over her head, Tammy held out her hands for the boxes. ‘Thanks for bringing these through, Brooke. I promise they’ll be the last of my deliveries to the bakery.’

‘Right. No problem.’ Brooke helped Tammy stack the boxes in her arms.

‘I’ll just pop these away if that’s okay, Elsie?’ Tucking her chin on the top box to hold it in place, Tammy made her way towards the kitchen door.

‘Yes, love. Thank you.’ Elsie patted Tammy’s forearm before stepping forward and holding the door open. ‘Take as long as you need, Tammy, love.’

‘Thanks.’ As she stepped into the bakery, Tammy paused. Which way was the lighthouse? She hadn’t seen it on her walk along the beach yesterday, but then she hadn’t walked that far, not until she’d run into that man and her phone had begun pinging with messages about Andrew and Jennifer’s approaching wedding day. Looking around, she shook her head. The bakery was busy, a small queue had formed by the bakery counter and with Diane serving on her own, Tammy didn’t like to interrupt, and Teresa was busy chatting to a couple sitting at the table by the window.

She shrugged. She was sure she’d find it. It couldn’t be that hard to find a lighthouse. After all, it had to be along the coast.