Chapter Four

‘Ooh, they look good. I love the red and white stripes!’ As the kitchen door swung shut behind her, Brooke placed the empty trays she was carrying on the tabletop in front and turned to Tammy. ‘I’m guessing there for Ian’s retirement party?’

Tammy placed the icing bag down and grinned. ‘Yes, well, trial run before the party. Elsie wants a lighthouse theme, so I’m hoping these will be okay.’

‘I’m sure they’ll be more than okay. They’re great! The red and white stripes just scream lighthouse.’ Brooke smiled.

‘Thanks.’ Tammy lifted her head as the beeping of the oven signalled the end of the baking time for the batch of pastries she’d baked earlier.

Brooke laughed. ‘I can’t wait. It’s going to be so good. And I don’t think he knows a thing yet. Normally When Elsie or Ian plan a surprise they end up letting slip or plain right telling each other, but Elsie is so determined to keep this a surprise.’

‘How long has she been planning it?’

‘Not long. It’s only been a few weeks since Ian announced his plan to retire and then he’s had to wait for the new lighthouse keeper to be posted here.’ Brooke unstacked the empty trays. ‘It’ll be strange Ian not working there anymore but it will be lovely for him to spend more time here in the bakery.’

‘I imagine Elsie would like that.’ Tammy smiled. In her short time here and from what Tammy had seen, Elsie and Ian seemed like the perfect couple, always happy to see the other.

‘Yes. And me too. Ian is my biological grandad. I only found out when I came to Penworth Bay, so I’ve not known him that long.’ Brooke tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

‘Oh wow, I didn’t realise. Is that why you chose to volunteer here or was it a huge coincidence?’

‘It’s why I came to volunteer. I didn’t know anything about him being my biological grandad when I came, though. My gran had recently passed away and given me a letter telling me to visit the bay. I didn’t open it until I got here and that’s when I realised that I was related to Ian. My mum was his daughter and was adopted. Not that Ian knew anything about having a daughter until I told him.’ Brooke shook her head, her eyes glazing over with tears.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry. That must have been a huge shock for you.’ Tammy wiped her hands on the tea towel and gave her a quick hug.

‘Thanks. It was, but I like to think my gran knew what she was doing - making me come here and meet him. Ian and Elsie and everyone here has just welcomed me with open arms.’ Brooke wiped her eyes and smiled.

‘Everyone does seem lovely here.’

‘Oh, they are. Of course, everyone who works here is but even the customers and people you just meet down at the beach or around the bay are.’ Brooke grinned. ‘Have you managed to get out and see much of the bay yet?’

‘A little, yes. I took a walk along the beach yesterday lunchtime. I probably should have explored a little more after the bakery closed, but to be honest, I was just too tired. I will today, though.’ Tammy frowned. She had been tired after her shift baking, and she knew that she would have felt better taking a walk and blowing a few cobwebs away rather than sitting in her room reading the messages her friends had been posting to the group chat.

‘That’s a good idea. I’m happy to show you around. Any of us would be, just ask.’

‘Thanks.’ Tammy nodded. It would definitely be nice to get to know the bay a little better.

‘Hey, loves. Are you both okay in here?’ Elsie walked into the kitchen, her arms piled high with boxes.

‘Yes, here, let me help you.’ Stepping forward, Brooke carefully unloaded Elsie’s stack of boxes one by one. ‘What are all of these?’

‘Oh, bits and pieces for Ian’s party. I may have gone a little overboard, especially being as Gerald from the pub has lent us their decorations, but I’ve got some sweet cones for the little ones...’ Elsie moved a little box slightly across the counter. ‘... and some other bits I thought would look nice in the lighthouse.’

‘Wow, I think this is going to be the best-decorated retirement party ever.’ Brooke laughed.

‘I think you might be right, love. I’ve probably have gone a little overboard, but I want Ian to know how much we all appreciate the job he’s done over the years in keeping our coasts safe for our sailors and fishing boats.’ Elsie looked down at the boxes. ‘Oh, I forgot to tell you, Carrie has made a special ornament of the lighthouse with Ian standing outside. Hold on, I’ll show you.’

Tammy watched as Elsie pulled box after box towards her, opening them before pushing them away again.

‘Here we go.’ Grinning, Elsie pulled out a beautiful ceramic ornament from a small brown box.

‘Wow, it’s beautiful.’ Tammy grinned. It was. The red and white striped lighthouse stood proudly on a grey rock, a small detailed figure positioned by the door.