‘Oh, right.’ Huh, he didn’t waste any time going to visit Fiona then.

‘Yes. He was asking after you. Said something about having a decision to make but needed to go and see it in person to help make his mind up.’


‘Yes, I think so. He was talking in riddles half the time. He looked as though he hadn’t slept much at all. I did wonder if he was coming down with this bug Hudson and Brooke have had.’

It wasn’t a bug. Tammy knew that. Josh just hadn’t slept, probably because he felt bad breaking up with her to get back with Fiona. Well, it didn’t matter now.

‘Right, I’m going to go and see if Molly and Wendy need some coffee brought into the office. I’ve just seen a couple go in there.’ Ian hung his coat up next to Elsie’s before heading back into the bakery.

Tammy frowned. Decision? ‘Did Ian say Josh was trying to make a decision?’

‘That’s right, love.’ Elsie filled an icing bag.

‘About what?’

‘I’m not sure. Something to do with Fiona, his ex, I think. He said he was meeting her, anyway.’

‘Oh.’ So, he hadn’t fully decided to get back with Fiona then? He’d sounded quite sure yesterday.

‘He said something about a storage unit of some sort.’

‘A storage unit?’

‘Yes, he said he didn’t want to keep her stuff in the lighthouse anymore. That he needed a clean break.’

Tammy put the container of flour back down with such force a fine film of white powder quickly covered the table around her. ‘A clean break?’

‘That’s’ right.’ Elsie nodded. ‘Why?’

Josh was putting Fiona’s stuff into storage? She didn’t understand. Why would he be putting her stuff into storage if she was moving back in with him? ‘Did Ian say you dropped him at Trestow train station?’

‘That’s right, love.’ Elsie frowned.

‘Can I borrow your car?’

‘Of course you can. The keys are...’

Tammy didn’t hear the end of Elsie’s sentence as the door to the courtyard slammed behind her. Had she got this completely wrong? Had Josh been breaking up with her or had he just been telling her Fiona wanted to get back with him? But he was meeting her. He was travelling to meet Fiona.

She pulled open the back gate and raced around to the driver’s side of Elsie’s car. If he hadn’t been getting back with his ex, but he was travelling to see her today, then Tammy needed to tell him that she still wanted to be with him. She needed to tell him now. She couldn’t wait. She didn’t want to wait.



Running into Trestow train station, Tammy looked at the platform signs. Why hadn’t she asked Elsie where Josh was travelling to? She should have asked where he was planning on meeting Fiona. How was she going to find him if she didn’t know which platform to go searching for him on?

‘Excuse me, miss.’

She stepped aside quickly as a man dragged two large suitcases past her. There was only one thing she could do, and that was to try each platform in turn. Turning in the direction of Platform One, she ran down the walkway next to the tracks, pausing under the platform sign and looking around. He wasn’t there. He wasn’t on Platform One.

Glancing around, she walked across to a woman sitting on the bench. ‘Sorry, where’s Platform Two please?’

‘Over on the other side.’ The woman pointed across the tracks as a train came into view, slowing down and pulling up along the track opposite.

‘Thanks.’ Racing towards the stairs, Tammy ran up them two at a time before running as fast as she could across the bridge towards the waiting train. She couldn’t miss him. She was so close. She needed to speak to him before he saw Fiona again.