‘Yes. He was.’ Teresa frowned. ‘Did you ring him back?’

Tammy shook her head. She’d turned her mobile off as soon as she’d arrived back in the bakery and hadn’t turned it on again this morning. Diane had mentioned to her when she’d first arrived this morning that Josh had wanted her to call him, but she couldn’t. She didn’t want to hear the words. She didn’t want to hear the false apologies he’d give her for stringing her along. ‘What time are Ian and Elsie back from lunch?’

‘I’m not sure. Anytime now, I guess. I’m glad Elsie agreed to take the time off so Ian could treat her to lunch. He absolutely loved his party and was so touched she’d arranged everything.’ Teresa smiled.

‘Yes.’ Tammy nodded. What Elsie and Ian had was pure love. The sort of love that lasted a lifetime.

‘Why don’t you give Josh a call back? There was something up with him at the party yesterday. Especially near the end of the night. He wasn’t his usual self at all.’

‘What do you mean?’ Had he said anything to Teresa or anyone about choosing to go back to Fiona over her?

‘I don’t know. He seemed distracted.’ Teresa shrugged. ‘And you don’t seem yourself today either. Have you two had an argument or something?’

Tammy threw the bread dough back onto the tabletop and kneaded it yet again. She might as well tell her. Teresa, Diane, Molly, Wendy and Brooke had all been asking her if she was okay. They knew something was wrong, and they’d find out sooner or later, anyway. ‘Not an argument as such. We’ve broken up. He’s getting back with his ex.’

‘What? Really?’ Teresa knitted her eyebrows together. ‘I don’t understand. He didn’t say anything like that at all last night.’

Tammy shrugged. ‘I guess he wouldn’t very well announce the fact that his ex was coming back at Ian’s retirement party.’

‘No, no, I guess not.’ Teresa shook her head. ‘I don’t know, it was just something he said before we went last night that makes me wonder whether he really is or not.’

Tammy pressed the palm of her hand hard against the dough. ‘What did he say?’

‘I can’t remember the exact words, but it was just the way he was talking. He asked me and Gavin if we’d had a long-distance relationship when we’d first met.’ Teresa shook her head. ‘I assumed he was after advice about when you went back home.’

Tammy frowned. Why would he have been asking about long-distance relationships? ‘It must have been about Fiona. Maybe she’s not moving to the bay straight away. Maybe she’s living somewhere else for the time being.’

‘Maybe, but it seems strange that he’d ask me and Gavin. He knows we’re friends with you. I wouldn’t have thought he’d ask us relationship advice about his ex.’

Tammy picked up the dough and watched as it dropped back down to the table. ‘Well, he’d only promised a couple of days ago that he and his ex had grown apart and would have split up whether she’d decided to go travelling or not, so...’

‘Oh, Tammy. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.’ Teresa wrapped her arms around her.

‘Don’t be. It’s my own fault. I promised myself I wouldn’t get into another relationship and yet here I am, crying over a man I’ve not known long at all.’ Hugging Teresa back, she held her floury hands away from Teresa’s shoulders before she stepped back. ‘Anyway, that’s it. I’m not trusting another man again. And I actually mean it this time.’

‘If you need a chat or anything, just shout. I’m always here.’

‘Thank you.’ Tammy looked down at the dough bundled in a heap on the tabletop. ‘I think I might need to start again.’

‘Yep. I think you’re right.’

Tammy smiled weakly as she picked up the dough and chucked it in the bin.

Pushing the bowl she’d made the dough in away from her, she put a clean one in its place. She needed to concentrate.

‘Hi, love.’ Elsie walked into the kitchen, closely followed by Ian. ‘Did you want to take your lunch now?’

Tammy shook her head. ‘Not really. I need to get some more bread dough made.’

‘Oh, okay.’ Elsie slipped out of her coat, hung it on the hooks by the door and slipped her apron over her head. ‘Is everything all right?’

Tammy nodded as she watched a snowstorm of flour cover the ceramic of the bowl.

‘Are you sure, Tammy?’ Ian took his coat off and held it in his arms. ‘Josh seemed just as upset as you are now.’

She jerked her head up. ‘Josh? You’ve seen him today?’

‘Well, yes. We’ve just given him a lift to the train station in Trestow.’ Ian frowned.