Bringing his hands to his cheeks, Ian stumbled back as Ollie shot out his hand to steady him. Finding his balance again, a large grin spread across his face.

‘Surprise, Grampy Ian! Happy Tired Day!’ Pippa ran towards him, taking his hand and pointing at the banner she, Rueben and Toby had created. ‘Look at the banner we made you.’

‘Oh wow! That’s amazing. The perfect creation. Thank you, Pippa.’ He searched the crowds for Rueben and Toby and grinned at them. ‘Thank you, boys.’

‘Do you like it? Do you?’ Pippa danced from foot to foot.

‘I absolutely love it, sweetheart.’ Ian smiled at her before turning to Elsie and taking her hands in his. ‘I’m guessing this is your doing?’

Smiling, she shrugged. ‘We all wanted to give you a proper celebration to mark your retirement.’

‘Thank you, my love.’ Leaning forward, he pecked her on the cheek before turning to the people crowding around him. ‘Thank you so much for all of this, everyone. It really is a wonderful surprise.’

Chapter Seventeen

With a plate piledwith a selection of treats and a glass of fizz in her hands, Tammy weaved between people through the crowded living room. Where had Josh disappeared to?

'Did you make these, Tammy? They're delicious.' Carmen patted her on the arm and nodded towards the half-eaten cookie in her other hand.

'Aw, thank you.' Tammy smiled. 'Have you seen Josh anywhere?'

'I think he was in the kitchen a few moments ago.' Carmen nodded towards the archway behind her.

'Oh really? I've just come from there. We must have literally just crossed paths.' Turning around, she retraced her steps back into the kitchen. Nope, Josh wasn't in here. He must have already left. She rolled her eyes. She'd probably walked right past him through the crowds.

'Are you okay, love?' Elsie smiled at her.

'Yes, thanks. I'm just looking for Josh. Have you seen him?'

'He went into the living room, a few moments ago.' Elsie craned her neck looking around the kitchen. 'Yes, he must be in there, love. He's not in here.'

'Thanks.' Tammy turned just as her mobile rang, the ringtone piercing through the music playing. Looking down, she frowned. She recognised that number. It was work. She shook her head. No, it was her old work. Well, the head offices anyway, not the branch. With her phone in one hand, she balanced the plate on the work surface and answered. 'Hello?'

Stepping forward, Elsie nodded to her and pushed the plate to the back of the work surface.

'Thanks.' Tammy mouthed before speaking into the phone and weaving back through the living room towards the front door. 'Sorry, can you just give me a moment to find somewhere quiet.'