Chapter Eight

‘You won’t forget thequiz night tonight at the local pub, will you, Tammy?’ Diane carried a stack of empty trays through from the bakery and began loading the dishwasher.

‘Oh, no, I won’t forget.’ She had forgotten. Brooke had mentioned it earlier, but she’d been so busy thinking about her conversation with Josh that she hadn’t really given it much thought. ‘What time is it? And where’s the pub?’

‘It’s at half seven and the pub is about halfway up the hill, next to the garage.’

‘Right.’ Tammy ran a wet cloth across the stainless-steel tabletop, collecting the flour she’d spilt earlier into a small powdery white mound.

‘I think Wendy and her partner, Connor, are coming. If they are, they’ll be dropping her son Hudson off for Elsie and Ian to babysit so you can walk down with them.’ Diane turned the dishwasher on before walking across to the table. ‘If they’re not, me and Harry can walk down to get you if you like?’

‘Okay, that’d be great if you’re sure you don’t mind, please?’ She didn’t really fancy walking into a pub alone, not knowing where she was going and where everyone would be.

‘Of course not.’ Diane tapped the table. ‘Great. I’ll see you later then. It’s usually a really fun night.’

Tammy nodded as she brushed the flour from the table into the palm of her hand. ‘See you later.’


Watching Diane go back into the bakery, Tammy tipped the flour into the bin before washing the cloth and picking up the spray to clean the table properly. Would Josh be there? She laughed at herself. Why had she even thought that? Because they’d enjoyed lunch together today? Because he seemed kind, lovely and just her type? She shook her head. She had sworn off men. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t put herself in the position to get her heart broken again. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t end up being someone else’s the-one-before-the-bride.

Nope. She needed a break from relationships and false promises. She needed a break to think about the direction her life was going in, and that was what this volunteering holiday was all about. She was here alone, and she’d leave alone. Single. Free. Besides, what would be the point in even thinking about getting into a relationship with him? He was a lighthouse keeper, it wasn’t as though he could move inland with her.

She sprayed the table before rubbing it down, the circular motions of the cloth against the metal foaming the spray into small concentric circles. She was being daft. She was thinking way ahead. Too far ahead. Nothing had even happened between her and Josh, and nothing ever would. She was here for a few more weeks and he was just starting a new job. They were friends. Barely friends. Friendly strangers. Yes, that’s what they were.

‘Everything okay, Tammy, love? Why don’t you get off and have a bit of a rest before the pub quiz tonight? I’ll finish up here.’ With the kitchen door swinging shut behind her, Elsie walked over and began cleaning the counters.

‘No, don’t worry. I’d feel bad leaving you to clear up my mess.’

‘Go on, off you go. Ian will be home soon anyway, so if I’ve not finished by then, he can always give me a hand. Go and have a sit down or something.’

‘Okay, thank you.’ Finishing off cleaning the table, Tammy slipped her apron off and headed towards the door. A rest would be good. She might even have a lie-down. She was shattered.



Tammy opened her eyes. Was that Elsie calling her? Sitting up in bed, she looked across at the time - it was 7:20pm. Shehadfallen asleep.