“Hey,” he said offended.
“Hey yourself,” she shot back. “This woman, you like her?”
He scowled. “Yes, dammit.”
“Do you want to be with her?”
“Yes, but—”
“Ah!” She held up a finger. “No buts. Do you want to be with her or not?”
“Yes,” he groused.
“Then get your head out of your ass and handle your shit,” she said and punched him in the arm.
He scowled. “Ow.”
She rolled her eyes. “That didn’t hurt.”
“You hit me with your wedding ring,” he pointed out, nursing his arm.
“Poor baby,” she crooned and dropped a light kiss on his arm. “Better?”
“I’m probably going to bruise,” he pointed out.
“I’m not kissing it again,” she said with a laugh.
He snorted in appreciation, then sighed. “It’s so complicated, Esme.”
“Life is complicated,” she told him.
“What if it doesn’t work out?”
“What if it does?”
Amused in spite of his misery, he shook his head. “You’ve got an answer for everything, don’t you?”
“Not everything,” she conceded. “But this isn’t that hard, Spence.”
“It feels hard,” he grumbled.
“Because it’s important,” she said, sympathy softening her voice.
He laid his head on her shoulder. “If she doesn’t take me back, can I come over and cry on your shoulder?”
“Of course,” she soothed, petting his hair.
“Your naked shoulder?”
“Don’t push it,” she advised, and pulled her buzzing phone out of her pocket.
“Was worth a shot,” Spence said, straightening. “Your husband?”
“Yep.” She looked up from the display. “He says he’s home, and he’s horny.”
“Tuck’s always horny.” He eyed her ample ass when she rose, round and lush in dark denim. “It’s hard to blame him.”
She sent him a laughing look over her shoulder as she headed for the door. “Stop looking at my ass and go deal with the shambles you’ve made of your love life.”