“Yeah, but you thought it.”
“I was just going to ask if I could borrow it when you’re done,” she protested.
He narrowed his eyes as though he were considering it. “I’ll think about it. What are you looking for?”
“I want a romance,” she decided, looking around.
“They’re over there,” he said helpfully.
“How do you know?”
“I shop here, Maddie,” he reminded her. “And I like a good romance.”
“Sure. They’re sexy, emotionally satisfying,” he explained. “What’s not to like? Annabelle gave me a couple freshman year. For research purposes.”
“I gotta meet this woman,” Maddie muttered and wandered off toward the romance section.
Grinning, he headed for Biography.
He found what he wanted fairly quickly, and was heading to join Maddie in Romance when someone bumped into him from behind.
“Outta the way, asshole.”
“Fuck you,” Spence replied, and recognizing the voice, turned to scowl at Tuck. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Tuck just grinned. “It’s date night. What are you doing here?”
Spence waved the book in his hand. “Three guesses.”
Tuck angled his head to read the spine. “Hey, can I borrow that when you’re done?”
“Get in line,” Spence muttered as Esme came to stand beside her husband.
“Hi, Spence, what are you doing here?”
“He’s buying Brittney Spears’ autobiography.”
“Ooh, I want to read that. Let’s get that.”
“We can just borrow Spence’s when he’s done,” Tuck pointed out.
Esme pouted. “But I want to read it now. And it’s date night.”
“It’s in hardcover,” Tuck protested. “That’s like, thirty bucks.”
“But it’s date night,” Spence parroted, and bending to press his cheek to Esme’s, mimicked her pout.
When Tuck stomped off, muttering about highway robbery, Esme turned to beam at Spence. “Thanks, that was fun.”
“What was fun?” Maddie asked, and Spence turned to see her standing behind them, a paperback in her hand and a curious look on her face.
Well, fuck.
Maddie hadto work to keep her mildly inquisitive expression in place. She’d overheard enough to realize who the woman with the gorgeous hair and the bombshell body was, but she was curious to see how Spence would handle it.