“I’ve never felt this uncomfortable,” he confessed, flinching when another moan sounded from the couch.
“You had an orgy with your friends on Thanksgiving,” Maddie reminded him.
“That was consensual,” he reminded her. “And didn’t involve anchovies.”
“So anchovies are your hard limit?”
“I didn’t know it until just now, but yes, anchovies are a hard limit. This isn’t weirding you out?”
“I try not to judge.”
Spence just shook his head. “I’m trying, but she’s not making it easy.”
Maddie polished off her slice of pizza and picked up a breadstick. “Try to think of something else.”
Halley chose that moment to let out a lusty sigh, and Spence grimaced. “The soundtrack is making that very difficult.”
Maddie was shaking with laughter. “Just…tell me what you did this week.”
He grabbed the suggestion like a lifeline. “Well, I filed my taxes.”
“Good boy.”
He just sighed. “Don’t say good boy. That’s not helpful.”
“Sorry,” she mumbled, but her eyes were dancing with laughter again.
He tried not to notice the way her mouth looked pursed around the breadstick, but he was only human. “Where the hell was I?”
She gestured with her breadstick. “You were telling me what else you did this week.”
Desperate, he tried to think. “Right. Worked. Hung out with friends. Went to Detroit to see a friend play hockey.”
“You have a friend who plays for Detroit?” She looked intrigued. “What’s his name?”
“Jude Bessonnet.”
Her eyebrows winged up. “The defenseman they called up when Jensen got hurt?”
“That’s the one. You follow hockey?”
“Not specifically, but that got a lot of press.” She started to reach for another breadstick, then stopped. “Wait, is he the Jude from Thanksgiving?”
“Yeah.” He winced. “Listen, that has to stay between us, okay? If it got out…”
“My lips are sealed,” she assured him and mimed locking them and throwing away the key.
Spence’s lips twitched as he nodded. “Appreciate it.”
“No problem.
He polished off his slice and reached for his beer. “I haven’t heard a moan in a couple of minutes. Is she still eating?”
Maddie risked a glance and snorted out a laugh. “No. She’s asleep.”
“What?” He jerked around to look. “Wow.”
Halley was sprawled out on her back, a half-eaten slice of pizza lying on her chest, dead to the world. Maddie dropped her half-eaten breadstick back into the box and rose to cross to the couch.