“You’re such a dick,” Maddie accused with a grin, then leaped up when the doorbell rang. “Food!”
“I’ll give you a hand,” Spence said and followed her to the door.
She flung it open, waved at the delivery driver getting back into his car, and scooped up two of the four large boxes on the porch. “Take these.”
He grunted when she shoved them into his belly. “Pizza, huh? Does your brain need carbs?”
“Yes.” Maddie picked up the two other boxes and carried them inside, leaving him to nudge the door shut. “You can have some if you promise not to eat too much.”
Halley rolled her eyes. “Jesus, Maddie.”
“I’m hangry, and not in the mood to share.” Maddie plunked her boxes on the coffee table. “You can have a beer, though.”
Spence set his boxes beside hers. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Halley?”
“Grab me a Vernors,” Halley said, already lifting the lid on one of the boxes as Maddie hurried out. “Hello, anchovies, come to Mama.”
Spence winced at the smell wafting from the box and took a discrete step back.
Maddie came back in with two beers, a can of ginger ale, and a roll of paper towels. She handed Halley the can. “Ugh, that stinks.”
“I know,” Halley mumbled, her mouth full. “It’s disgusting. And delicious.”
“She’s the weird sister,” Maddie told Spence and handed him a beer.
“Please tell me you got something without fish on it.”
“Pepperoni and mushrooms, and a fuck ton of cheesy breadsticks.”
“Thank God,” he muttered and took a slice from the box she held out.
Maddie settled cross legged on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, biting into her slice of pizza and sighing with delight. When Spence settled beside her, she blinked at him. “You can sit in the chair.”
“Too close to the fish,” he muttered and jerked his chin at Halley. “Is she always like this?”
“Like what?”
“Voracious,” Spence said, and Maddie looked at her sister, who looked like she and the anchovies were sharing a religious experience.
“She’s really hungry,” Maddie told him and winced when Halley let out a long, low groan.
Spence shifted uncomfortably at the distinctly sexual tone. “Should we give her some privacy?”
“She’s just making yummy noises,” Maddie explained. “It’s perfectly normal.”
“Oh my God, this issogood,” Halley moaned.
“Or she’s making love to the anchovies.”
“I feel like a voyeur,” Spence complained.
Maddie bit her lip, her eyes wild with laughter. “Just…don’t look at her.”
“Fine.” Spence ducked his head and scooted around so he was facing Maddie instead of the couch. “Nice weather we’re having, isn’t it?”
She snickered into her beer. “Is that the best you can do?”