“Better stick with water,” she decided and took another swig.
He tapped away at his phone for another moment, then set it aside. “About forty minutes.”
“Cool,” she said and shivered.
He noticed. “There’s a robe hanging in the closet if you want.”
She grimaced. “Thanks, but those things never fit me. Too much boob, too much butt.”
“Not from where I’m sitting.”
She grinned at him over the water bottle. “Got a t-shirt I can wear?”
“Sure,” he said, and though his facial expression didn’t change, she heard the surprise in his tone. “The one I had on earlier is over there, but I’ve got a clean one if you prefer.”
She crossed the room to pick up the discarded shirt. “This’ll work,” she decided, and setting her water down, tugged the white crew neck over her head. It was soft, and though it was so big across the shoulders that the short sleeves hung past her elbows and halfway to her wrists, she still had to work it down over her hips and ass.
“My shirt never looked so good,” he said, and she looked up to see him watching her with that light in his eyes.
“Easy, tiger,” she drawled and ignored the answering twinge in her pussy. “I want food first.”
“Fair enough, as long as you don’t puke on my dick when I fuck your throat later.”
“You roll the dice, you take your chances,” she quipped and climbed up on the bed beside him. “So what are we going to do until the food gets here?” she wondered.
“I’m open to ideas.”
“Well, the way I see it we have three options.”
His eyebrow went up. “Which are?”
She held up one finger. “We can watch a movie.”
“A reasonable option, if you’re willing to watch something with gratuitous violence, copious explosions, and an unrealistic plot.”
“Naturally.” She held up a second finger. “We can neck.”
His lips twitched once before stilling again. “Also feasible. And the third option?”
“We can do both.”
“Option three it is,” he said and picked up the remote. “What do you want to not watch?”
It wasten-thirty when Maddie let herself into the room she was sharing with Halley. “I’m not late!”
Sprawled out on one of the queen-sized beds, wrapped in one of the hotel robes with hair and makeup already done, Halley put down her tablet and made a show of checking her watch. “Almost. Nice t-shirt. Parting gift?”
Maddie peeled the shirt in question off. “Maybe not. I don’t fly home until tomorrow night.”
“Do you know his name yet?”
Maddie kicked off her sandals and shimmied out of her bikini bottoms. “Nope.”
“How do you fuck somebody without knowing their name?” Halley wondered.
“Very well, it turns out.” Maddie turned for the bathroom, then paused. “Do you need the shower?”
Halley sent her a wave. “It’s all yours.”