“Yeah. I just didn’t realize it until you walked out.”
Her smile might have trembled at the edges, but it lit up the room. “I love you, too.”
His fingers tightened on hers. “I thought you said you weren’t there yet.”
“I lied.”
He laughed, the sound rusty and loud in the quiet hall, then rested his forehead against hers. “We’ve been fools, haven’t we?”
“With a little scaredy cat thrown in,” she agreed.
“I’m not scared anymore,” he said.
“Really? Because I’m terrified.”
“Okay, maybe a little,” he admitted and smiled at her watery laugh. “Want to be scared together?”
“I really do,” she whispered.
“Me, too.”
“And if our parents don’t approve?”
Though the thought made him tense, he shrugged. “Since they’re not yelling at us, I think they’re probably fine with it.”
“You can thank Halley for that,” she told him. “They’re slightly distracted by her pregnancy news.”
He blinked. “Halley’s pregnant?”
“Well, that explains the vomit.”
“They’re eventually going to have questions,” she continued. “We’ll have to decide what to tell them.”
“We’ll figure it out together,” he said.
“Together,” she agreed, smiling at him, her eyes bright with tears, and when she kissed him, it felt like everything was going to be all right.
“Spence, we’re going to be late.”
“So what?” he mumbled, his mouth pressed against her thigh. “They won’t care.”
“I care,” she protested and tried not to squirm with pleasure when his tongue skimmed along her labia. “This is the first time I’m meeting everyone, and I want to make a good impression.”
“It’s not the first time,” he said and slid two fingers into her pussy. “We’ve hung out with Tuck and Esme dozens of times, and Colin and Evan. And I took you to a game to meet Jude.”
“Yes, but this is the first event with all of them,” she informed him, biting her lip to hold back a groan. His fingers felt really good, and she was fast losing track of the conversation. “If we’re late, they’re going to know why.”
“Of course, they’ll know,” he said. “They’re the F.I.L.T.H.”
She blinked, momentarily distracted. “F.I.L.T.H.?”
“Friends I’d Like To Hump,” he explained. “That’s what Esme called us last year.”