“I have to see him sometime,” Maddie pointed out. “After all, he’s family. And I don’t want to put you on the hot seat.”
“I can handle it.”
“I know. But you shouldn’t have to.”
“Okay. If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.” Maddie rested her head on Halley’s shoulder for a moment, then squared her shoulders and started up the walk. “But it won’t hurt my feelings if you puke on him.”
“I’ll do my best,” Halley promised.
Out of habit, they circled the house to the kitchen entrance, where light shone out of the windows and the faint sound of music drifted through the windows.
Halley laid a hand on the doorknob. “Ready?”
“Once more into the breach,” Maddie drawled, then paused. “Wait, are we supposed to knock?”
Halley blinked. “I don’t know. Do you think we should?”
“It’s Heather’s house now,” Maddie pointed out.
“True. Okay, we’ll knock,” Halley decided, and lifted her hand to rap on the door.
It opened before she could make contact, a beaming Heather framed in the doorway. “There you are!”
“Here we are,” Halley said cheerfully and held out the gift bag. “Happy birthday.”
“Oh.” Heather took the bag with a blink of surprise. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Can’t have a birthday dinner without presents,” Maddie said and leaned in to kiss her stepmother’s cheek.
Heather’s smile went misty. “You’re so sweet, both of you. Come on in, out of the cold. Dinner’s almost ready.”
They followed her inside, Maddie sniffing the air. “It smells good.”
“Roast chicken. I hope it’s okay, your dad said you both like it.”
“Sounds perfect,” Halley said with a quiet sigh of relief.
They stepped into the bright, warm kitchen, and a thousand memories assailed Maddie. Doing their homework at the big, scarred table, family game nights with shouting and laughter. Punishments had been dealt out there, celebrations held. It was her favorite room in the house, always had been, and just stepping into it made her feel warm and safe.
“Spence and your dad are watching TV in the living room,” Heather said as they shucked off their coats, killing Maddie’s warm glow. “You can join them if you like.”
Halley patted Maddie’s shoulder in silent support. “Is there anything we can do to help?”
Heather beamed at the offer. “I’ve got the food well in hand, but you could set the table.”
“I’ll do it,” Maddie said, then a movement at the doorway to the living room caught her eye, and she looked up to find Spence standing there, watching her.
“Hey,” he said, his voice gruff, his face strangely devoid of its usual scowl.
Maddie just nodded, not trusting her voice, and could’ve kissed her sister when Halley jumped into the breach.
“Well, hey, Spence,” she drawled in a sweet, cheerful voice that stopped just short of sarcasm. “Good to see you again.”
His gaze flicked to Halley, and to Maddie’s surprise, his mustache twitched the way it did when he was trying not to smile. “Halley. How’s it going?”
“I can’t complain.” Halley angled her body so she was partially blocking Maddie, a blonde sentry. “You?”