“No,” she said, and disappointment curled in his belly. Then she said, “But the bathroom door does.”
He lifted his head. “Is that right?”
Her whiskey eyes were shining. “There’s not a lot of room in there, though.”
“Is there a sink I can bend you over?”
She licked her lips again. “Yeah.”
“Show me.”
Bent over the sink,her face so close to the mirror she could see the tiny clumps of mascara that lingered on her lashes, Maddie tried very hard not to moan out loud.
She was unsuccessful.
“Shut up,” Spence mumbled from between her thighs and jabbed his tongue into her cunt. “You’ll wake Halley.”
“I can’t help it,” she said and bit her lip to keep from moaning again. “God, where did you learn to eat pussy like that?”
“From Annabelle Keener, freshman year,” he said and sliding his thumb into her aching hole, shifted to rub his mustache over her clit.
“I feel like I should send her a thank-you note,” she panted.
“She’s a nun now, in Ireland,” he said, sliding his tongue around while his mustache continued its fuzzy caress of her clit. “Not sure the mother superior would approve.”
“You’re kidding.”
Maddie’s laugh morphed into a whimper. “Oh, God, I’m close.”
“Good,” he said, and with a last swirling lick, stood up.
“No,” she whined, wanting his tongue back.
“Look at you,” he said, ignoring her desperation. “Fuck, that’s hot.”
She was holding onto the edge of the sink so hard her knuckles were white. “Spence!”
“What?” he asked absently, his eyes still focused between her legs. Her leggings were caught around her knees, but her pussy was so swollen and aching she was sure it was clearly visible between her thighs.
“Please hurry,” she begged.
His gaze rose to meet hers in the mirror. “Again.”
Knowing exactly what he wanted, she didn’t hesitate to give it to him. “Please, fuck me,” she said, fighting to keep her voice down. She wanted to scream it. “Please, Daddy. I need it.”
“Tell me what you need,” he prompted, sliding one big palm across her upturned cheeks.
“Your cock,” she moaned and rose on her toes to tip her ass higher. “I need it.”
He stepped closer, one hand still braced on her ass, the other wrapped around his dick. Already sheathed in a condom, he slapped it against her pussy. “You’re so fucking wet.”
She could hear it, feel it all but dripping down her legs. “Please.”
“Keep watching,” he ordered, and positioning himself, slid inside her in a single, slow thrust.
“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted. Her pussy was spreading, stretching, making room for him, and it felt so good she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out.