Maddie’s respect for Heather went up a couple of notches. “That’s tough.”
“Yeah. It’s kind of nice for me, though, to have someone who’s been there, done that as a single mom.” Halley laid a hand on her belly. “I’m going to need all the help I can get.”
“You’re going to be great,” Maddie assured her.
“I hope so. So, how was it?”
“How was what?”
“The sex,” Halley prompted.
“Oh, that.” Maddie sighed at the memory. “Really good.”
“That tells me nothing,” Halley complained. “I need details.”
“The man has hooks in the wall above his bed,” Maddie said and nearly laughed herself breathless at the look of horror on her sister’s face. “For rope, Halley. I told you he was into bondage.”
“You did that on purpose,” Halley accused.
“You said to think of something else.”
“Jackass. What else?”
“He eats pussy like it’s his job,” Maddie recalled fondly. “And he uses the mustache to great effect.”
“I don’t know if that’s good or bad,” Halley confessed.
“Trust me, it’s very, very good.”
“Lance never liked to go down on me. He said it made his tongue tired, and since he was a real estate agent and had to talk to clients all day, he needed to rest it in order to be at peak performance for work.”
“God, what an asshole.”
“Right?” Halley grimaced, then shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about Lance.”
“Okay,” Maddie said and didn’t mention that she’d brought him up.
“Are you going to see him again?”
“Spence?” Maddie held up her hands in awho knows?gesture. “I kind of doubt it. The sex was great, and I like him—”
Halley held up a hand. “Like him, orlikehim?”
“Like, but I could see it getting tolike,” Maddie admitted. “Which is why it’s probably better I don’t see him again.”
“That could get complicated,” Halley agreed.
“The word of the week,” Maddie said drily.
“You’re sad,” Halley said.
“Not sad, just…disappointed,” Maddie decided. “The sex was really good.”
“And you like him.”
Maddie sighed. “And I like him.”
“Sorry, sweetie.”