“Really?” Maddie eyed her sister warily. “The last time I asked you to visit for the weekend you said Lance didn’t like you to be gone that long.”
“Well, it’s not a problem anymore. He moved out.”
“Wait, what?” Maddie grabbed Halley’s arm, dragging her around so she could see her sister’s face. “When did this happen?”
“The day after Christmas,” Halley said, looking miserable. “I came home from breakfast at Dad’s and he’d cleared out.”
“Jeez, Hal.” She wanted to shout for joy, but the dejected look on her sister’s face had her stifling the urge. “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not,” Halley said, a glimmer of humor leaking through the melancholy. “You hated Lance.”
“Well, yeah. That’s no secret. But I’m sad if you are.”
“I’m a lot of things,” Halley admitted. “I’m not sure if sad is one of them.”
“What happened?”
“He doesn’t want the baby.”
“What baby?” Maddie asked, confused, then the other shoe dropped. “Wait.Baby?”
“I’m pregnant,” Halley confessed and laid a hand over her belly. “Almost eight weeks.”
“Well, shit.” Maddie stared at her sister’s face and tried to decipher her expression. “Is this good news or bad news? I can’t tell.”
Halley sighed. “It’s not great news. I sure didn’t plan to get pregnant. We always used condoms, and Lance was so pissed when I told him. I’ve never seen him that mad.”
Maddie stayed quiet, one hand holding Halley’s in silent support, but silently vowed that if Lance Perry had lifted a single finger to her sister, Maddie would make sure he’d never be able to get anyone else pregnant.
“He doesn’t want any part of it, so I’d be doing it as a single mom, and I never planned on that either.” Halley paused to draw in a breath. “It’s just bad timing all around, and I was all set to make an appointment for an abortion, but…”
“You might not be able to get pregnant again,” Maddie finished, and Halley nodded.
“The doctor said it’s not impossible, but with my endometriosis…”
“It’s complicated,” Maddie finished. “I know. They told me the same thing when I was diagnosed.”
“Is it selfish to have a baby this way?” Halley wondered. “Knowing it won’t have a father, just because it might be my only chance?”
“Maybe,” Maddie said slowly, trying to choose her words carefully. “But really, what’s an unselfish reason to have a baby?”
A ghost of a smile curved Halley’s lips. “Good point.”
“Have you told Dad?” Maddie wanted to know.
Halley shook her head. “I didn’t want to worry him, not with the wedding coming up. And he’s going to, especially since I have to look for a new job.”
“What do you mean?” Halley was an administrative assistant in the real estate office where Lance was an agent. “Lance can’t fire you, can he?”
“I don’t know,” Halley admitted. “But even if he doesn’t, I don’t think I want to be there anymore.”
“I don’t blame you. Are you going to stay in Mt. Pleasant?”
Halley shrugged. “Where else would I go?”
“Move in with me,” Maddie said.