Page 19 of Feast

“Oh shit, oh God, oh shit,” she chanted, clenching her hands into fists to keep from reaching down. Her scalp burned, but she barely noticed with all the other sensations rushing through her. Pleasure and pressure and yes, pain, but it wasn’trealpain, it wasgoodpain, the kind of pain that hurt for a second and then shifted immediately to pleasure that was somehow hard and sharp and so intense that she’d gladly put up with the scrape of his teeth or the slap of his hand to get more of it.

There was so much of it, and it was so big, so heavy inside her that she thought she might split apart under the weight of it.

When he shifted his mouth to her clit, lashing the now eager bundle of nerves with that talented tongue and dipped his thumb into her now empty pussy, she let out a moan of delight. Finally, penetration! But when he pulled his thumb from her pussy and slid it down to press firmly against the wet, tender skin of her asshole, her legs began to shake.

Then he slid his thumb past the tight ring of muscle into her ass and clamped his lips around her clit at the same time in a hard, sucking pull, and that’s when her soul left her body.

Every muscle went tight for one heartbeat, two, then the pleasure and the pressure and the pain released, bursting like an overfilled water balloon. There was a roaring in her ears, but she heard herself scream and him chanting “more, give me more” in a low feral growl that barely sounded human.

If she’d had the power of speech she would’ve told him he already had everything, she had no more to give, but he was pumping his thumb in and out of her asshole and sucking hard on her clit, her body making a liar out of her with a harder, sharper orgasm coming so closely on the heels of the first that she thought she’d pass out.

Maybe she did, because the next thing she knew he was shoving her back on the bed like a rag doll, her feet still tangled in her jeans and her hands still tangled in her hair, then he was climbing on top of her. She had approximately two seconds to realize that he was naked, and then he was inside her.

The shock of penetration drove the air from her lungs, had her eyes flying wide. He hovered over her, his broad shoulders blocking out the light, eyes so dark they were almost black staring back at her.

He looked feral and savage and so damn sexy her pussy gave a short, hard spasm, and she watched, fascinated and a little frightened, as his lips peeled back in the least cheerful smile she’d ever seen.

“Give me more,” he demanded and began to move.

She was sensitive and swollen from her orgasms, so despite the fact that she was wet enough to leave a puddle on the duvet, it wasn’t a smooth, easy glide. He worked himself out of her, then back in again, inch by torturous inch, scraping against nerve endings that were already over-stimulated, tissues that already felt raw. She winced, and he saw it.

He paused on an in-stroke, concern flickering in the dark depths of his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Just…sensitive,” she managed and licked her lips. “You’re big.”

“You’re swollen,” he countered and slid forward so he was seated firmly inside her. “Should I stop?”

“No!” She shook her head violently, wincing again when her fingers caught in her hair. “No, keep going.”

The cautious light didn’t fade from his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You slapped my pussy,” she reminded him with a choked laugh.

“That wasn’t really pain,” he said, and she had to admit he had a point.

“Just go slow,” she begged.

“Tell me if it’s too much,” he said, giving orders once again, and when she nodded in agreement, began to move.

In and out, slow and steady. He was too big, too hard not to cause discomfort, and the drag of the latex condom didn’t help. She thought for a wild moment that she was never going to get used to it, and tensed in panic.

“You have to relax,” he ordered, his hips gliding slowly back and forth. “You’ll make it worse if you tense up.”

“I’m trying.”

He shook his head, hair dancing around his face. “Try harder.”

Annoyed at the orders and disappointed that this wasn’t as fun as it was supposed to be, she glared at him. “If you’re in such a damn rush, you could do something to help.”

“Okay,” he agreed equably and kissed her.

She tasted herself on his lips, salty and sweet, and the sheer dirtiness of it had her pussy squeezing him in a spasm of delight. He groaned and sank deeper into the kiss, lowering himself a little more so that the thick mat of hair on his chest rubbed against her breasts. It was like wool scraping against her skin, sending little jolts of electricity through her puckered nipples, and when he slid deep once again, the pinching friction had all but disappeared.

He must have felt it, but continued to rock back and forth at the same slow, steady pace.

Desire began to build as the discomfort eased, and soon she was wiggling underneath him, eager for more. “You can go faster,” she gasped into his mouth.

“No,” he said and bit her lower lip.