“’Kay.” She slid her arm around his waist, hooking her fingers through his belt loop. “You stayed dressed again.”

He was eyeing the stairs. She was pretty steady on her feet, and he didn’t want to risk carrying her, so he was hoping she could manage them with his help. “Did I?”

“It’s very disappointing,” she informed him soberly. “Are we going up the stairs?”

“That’s where the shower is.”

“Okay.” She started up, him matching his pace to hers. “Jack?”


“We’re done playing, right?”

He glanced at her. “For now.”

“So, if I were to ask a question that was forbidden during the scene, it would be allowed now?”

His lips twitched. “Yes.”

“Good. Will you fuck me now?”

He laughed. “Let’s get upstairs first, all right?”

“Okay,” she said eagerly and sped up.

He managed to keep a hold on her through his laughter, matching his pace to hers. When they reached the top of the stairs, she shoved her hair out of her face and looked at him expectantly. “Well?”

“Keep going.” He urged her forward with a hand on her butt. “You’re not too sore?”

“No,” she said, twisting around to look at him as they walked through the bedroom. “I will be later, but right now I’m buzzed.”

“Fuck drunk.”

“Technically, I’m finger-fuck drunk.”

“What’s the difference?” he asked.

“The difference,” she said, enunciating each word with careful precision, “isdick.”

“I wouldn’t have taken the clamps off first,” he informed her, and she stopped dead at the foot of his bed.

“You wouldn’t?”



“Sadistic?” he offered when she trailed off.

“Yeah.” She shoved at her hair. “Like, really a lot.”

“I didn’t know if you could handle it. Next time, I won’t be so careful.” He nudged her forward. “Keep going.”

He herded her into the bathroom, crossing to the shower. She slipped away from him to turn in a circle, her expression avid. “This bathroom is nice.”

He crossed to the shower, opened the door, and stepped in to turn on the taps. Water pumped from the jets on the wall and streamed from the rainhead fixture in the ceiling. “Thank you,” he replied, and reached for her hand. “In you get.”

Sadie stepped into the glass enclosure, taking care not to bump into the slatted teak bench that took up half the long wall. “Wow. You could have orgies in here.”