Page 33 of Forever Yours

Julien leaned in. “How about this. Let Ry handle Jay tonight. I want to dance with my boyfriend.”

I literally turned into a swoony mush. “You want to dance with me?”

He hummed a yes. “Hold you tight and whisper the words to our song in your ear and… what did Ash say you needed?” His voice whispered across my ear, and I full-bodied shuddered. “I’m going to take you home and give you not two, but three orgasms. One with my hand.” I gasped when he kissed me. “One with my mouth.” Another kiss. “And one with you bent over as I slowly sink into you from—”

Jesus, I was so turned on I didn’t let him finish before I crushed my lips to his. Yes, I wanted all of that. All of him in every way possible. Right fucking now.

Our intimate bubble was burst when someone shouted, “Fucking get a room. No one wants to see that shit.”

Julien’s muscles hardened to stone under my hands, and he slowly turned his head. The guy who was the instigator, based on the smug smirk on his face, was standing with several other guys and a couple of girls near the bottom of the steps. Their hair and clothes were drenched, so they must have just come from the pool.

“Fuck you if you have a problem with me kissing my boyfriend.”

“I’d say fuck you back but you’re not my type. My dick is only interested in pussy,” the guy shouted, and everyone standing outside stopped what they were doing to watch the drama unfold.

When I noticed a few phones being turned on and held up, I knew things were about to go downhill fast.

Julien carefully extricated himself off my lap and stood up. I stood with him. He rarely got into fights. Jayson, on the other hand, was another story. Jay beat up Marshall for shit-talking about Liz. It was so bad, Marshall was taken to the hospital. Even though Julien tried to avoid altercations whenever possible, he could absolutely hold his own. The last fight I saw him in was at one of Fallon’s parties against Marshall’s friends—go fucking figure.

I curled a hand around his bicep. “Babe, he’s not worth it.”

“I absolutely agree,” someone else said from the shadows.

Whoever it was had the guy backing away a few steps and his friends scattering. At first, I thought it was Fallon. He was the only person I knew who could part people like the Red Sea, so I was surprised when David materialized from the darkness. Next to him were the two guys I recognized from the beach, Shawn and Lamar. While playing touch football with them on Sunday, I learned they were all on the CU football team. David was second-string quarterback, Lamar was a fullback, and Shawn was one of the wide receivers. Football wasn’t my favorite sport, so I had no clue what those positions did.

With an unamused, stony expression on his face and dressed in black from his fitted tee to his ripped jeans, David looked all kinds of dangerous as he approached the guy with the big mouth and said something to him I couldn’t catch. Whatever it was had the guy leaving immediately without another word.

The few times I had been around David or spoken to him, he was shy and slightly awkward, so seeing this other side of him was… interesting.

“Fucking prick,” David said when he reached us. “You okay?”

He was looking right at me when he asked it, so I answered, “Yeah.”

In my periphery, I saw Julien scowl. He reached an arm around my waist, pulled me close, and asked, “You know that asshole?”

David was quick to reply, “Hell no.”

Lamar dropped down onto the lounger Julien and I had been sitting on. It groaned under his substantial weight. His massive size was due to his muscular build and height.

“I’m pretty sure he’s in my geology class. Rocks for jocks and all that,” he said, taking out the hair band that held his long box braids back.

David turned to look to where the guy had walked off. “I’ll find out who he is.”

“That’s not necess—”

“I can handle him,” Julien broke in.

Shawn leaned a casual hip on the railing, but his eyes were busy scoping out the people coming in and out of the house. “So, this is how rich boys party.”

Loud music, louder drunk people, public sex, and a whole slew of other unmentionables.

“This is typical for one of Fallon’s parties,” I replied.

If he only knew the half of it.

“How the hell did a frat score a sweet domicile like this?”

Julien and I shrugged. The only thing I did know is that Fallon’s father, grandfather, and great-grandfather attended CU and were legacy alumni. The family donated a shit-ton of money to the university, and in return, the Montgomery name was plastered everywhere. On buildings, a couple of libraries, the nearby hospital, this house.