Threedayspassaswe make our way further into the mountains. There has been no sign of pursuit, but we continue on high alert. The cool air seeps into my bones, eyelashes encased in frost.
“Wh-why d-d-oes it ha-have to be s-s-so colddd?” I stutter, willing my teeth to stop chattering. I’m grateful for the layers of warmth Kela piled on me before we left the cabin but despite the thick woolen socks and scarf, the chill wind still cuts through the layers.
“Aye, I’m sorry lassie, but the winters are always like this. Ye’ll get used to it.” Nero shrugs, his breath coming out in large white clouds.
If I live long enough.
“Our summers, though beautiful, are nothing on the Autumn harvest.” Aramis flashes me a knowing look. Lemon nudges my hand from the pack, and I look down with confusion. He blinks at me, clearly telling me something I don’t understand.
“Warm apple crisps,” Nero groans, his tongue licking out to moisten his lips.
We all moan in unison–though I’ve never had one, the vision of the warm flakey crust mixing with melting sweet apples and cinnamon taunts my tastebuds, making me anxious to know if I’ll ever have an apple crisp made from Shadowvale’s renown pomme d’argent.
Aramis’ secret smile for me is a reminder that he often thinks of the time we journeyed together. Warmth flushes through my cheeks remembering the endearing way in which he stood up in his saddle to let me taste one of the sweet, sacred silver apples. And while I don’t quite smile back at him, I acknowledge the memory with a hint of entertainment in my eyes. It’s a comfort to see this acknowledgement from him. The sun finally breaks through the trees, warming my face.
“What are we going to do if we can’t find the lichen?” I ask, idly twisting my family ring around my finger. We’ve been traveling for miles and have yet to see anything beyond pine trees, rocks, and snow.
“We will find it. We have to,” Aramis says and I nod grateful for his support in this fool’s errand.
My magic has returned to full capacity as I healed over the last week. It hums quietly under my skin, a comforting buzz acknowledging my strength and agility. As we pass further into the mountains, the intensity of my magic increases. The land, the sky, and winds, all connected to my power, as if they share the same energy, like I belong here. This simple thought grounds me and keeps me going despite my growing aches
Continuing on what feels like a fruitless walk for ages, I shift my head to the side and observe an old tree, thicker and taller than any of the others surrounding it. Its dark red bark is a vibrant contrast to the snow that clings to it.
“Look!” I rush towards the tree and brush away the snow with my gloved hands. Beneath my fingers clinging to the bark is thick dark green lichen. Ordinary lichen. My shoulders slump, my heart dropping with them as my companions rush up behind me.
“What is it?” Aramis asks.
“What did ye find?!” Nero exclaims.
My retinue crowd around me, asking questions with such hope that I just sigh, pulling my gloves off in frustration to study my discovery.
“Just a false alarm,” I groan as I start turning to show them the false evidence but I stop when the lichen in my hand starts glowing an iridescent teal color, pulsing rhythmically. “Your ring” Kela says in surprise, and I notice how my family heirloom has taken the same hue of the lichen. “I don’t under–,” my voice breaks when I see Aramis pulling the chain from around his neck, the small crystal pendant glowing just as much as my ring.
“What is that?” I whisper, my gaze moving from his hands to his face.
“The night in the forest when we were ambushed, I spoke to the attackers. They were curious creatures, I have never seen anyone like them. They said they were guardians of Alpheaia.” His words trail off as he stares at the crystal around his neck.
“You nae told me that,” Nero interjects gesturing at his neck. “What else did they say?”
“Not much.” Aramis shrugs his indifference, but slides a glance at me. “They asked me about my intentions with Sybil, and they said I was the tipping point. Then they disappeared into smoke and gold dust.”
“After stabbing Edmund?” I purse my lips. “That doesn’t sound like a reassuring ally.” My thoughts start racing once more and I can’t stop thinking that we’re all pieces of a much larger plan. Maybe our paths were destined to cross.
Goddess, why in the wide world does he keep looking at me like that!?
The look sends unbidden shivers down my spine and into my core. I reach for Lemon in comfort, and he nuzzles my fingertips.
“I didn’t say they were an ally, but there is more to them than we–”
A heavy crunch in the snow, followed by a deep bellied laugh catches our attention. On the right, two hundred feet away, stand eight massive creatures. Large tusks protrude from their mouths, their dark hairless skin only covered by a leather loincloth and large black claws the size of dinner plates tip their protruding beefy arms. The scent of their putrid unwashed bodies hits us as the wind changes directions. My body seizes up in terror.
“Fuck.” Nero says as he throws his pack to the ground giving voice to my thoughts.
“What are they?” Aramis asks, turning to Nero for confirmation as he draws his sword and unfastens his cloak.
“Shouldn’t you know?” Kela shouts while she drops her pack to the ground, then begins tearing off her layers, her face already starting its transformation. “They’re your stepmother’s creatures, I’m presuming. Haven’t you ever seen damage that is so atrocious that it doesn’t add up?”
Aramis grimaces, like he has.