“What assurance do I have that they will not harm me upon reaching Shadowvale?” I blurt out, my insecurities winning over logic. As his silence stretches out, my heart rate increases. The only sound is the rhythmic beating of hooves against the ground.
“Sybil, you are–” He starts.
“I’m afraid.” The honesty of my words hangs heavily between us. I clench my fists in my lap, trying to stop my hands from shaking and I have to remind myself to take deep breaths. A panic attack will do me no good in this situation. Aramis sighs behind me and gently takes one of my hands in his, absentmindedly drawing circles on the back of it to calm me down.
“You could help me. Vouch for me in front of the king and queen. Tell them about these last few days.” My voice breaks as I plead once again my case to the Prince of Shadowvale.
“It’s not that simple, Sybil. I cannot get involved because I… I can no longer be objective about you.” His hand squeezes mine for a fraction of a second, and I wonder if I have imagined it. “I have a duty to uphold to protect my kingdom at all costs,” Aramis continues. “Absolving you from your crimes without a fair trial would not be just. Believe me when I tell you that I have already helped you more than I have ever helped any shifter.” He sighs heavily behind me. “Being afraid is part of being alive.”
The sound of hooves echoes across the drawbridge as we cross onto a stone cobbled courtyard. Aramis slides off before removing me from the horse’s back. My legs quiver beneath me, threatening to give out. A firm grip at my elbow steadies me, and I look up at Aramis.
“Promise me,” I whisper as I stare from the massive door to his endless blue eyes. Eyes that only a few days before couldn’t waver from me. Eyes that laughed as we shared a saccharine sweet silver apple. “Promise me they’ll be fair. Promise me I’ll be okay.”
“My father will know the truth I have seen.” He tears his gaze away. “My father is a just and honorable male and will see the truth. His word is law, even above the Queen’s.” Aramis sounds weary and resigned.
“Aramis,” I plead. Pages rush out and take the horses, leading them away. My heart aches as I watch them, hoping they’ll get the rest and care they deserve after the journey we’ve had. “I can’t do this. They think I’m actually leading a rebel army. How am I supposed to prove I’m not involved with no proof except my own testament?”
“Yes, you can, Sybil. Believe in your truth. You saved me from a chimera, remember? You’re braver than you think.” Aramis refuses to meet my eyes as he whispers words of encouragement. His grip around my elbow holds onto me tightly, and the lithe and graceful stance I’ve come to expect from Aramis is all rigid stone.
“I don’t belong here,” I whisper. Panic settles into my bones like an electric current and I fall back into my old habits, scared to stand up for myself and wanting to hide from the world. I buck against his grip, my breath increasing. “Aramis–youknowI don’t belong here. “
“Come.” His face twists into a scowl as he drags me towards the front door. “What will they think of your actions if you run away in fear? How will you prove your innocence, then?”
“Let me go,” I seethe through clenched teeth. The iron cuff bites into my wrist as I pull away, digging my feet into the ground. I am not going down without a fight.
“Stop fighting. Please. Hurting yourself will not do anyone any good.” His face is a mask of apathy, his features cold and distant.
Why is he acting like this?
“Sybil lass. We can nae just let ye go. Be strong.” Nero steps up to my other side.
“I don’t want to be delivered like some prized mare.” Aramis wants to capture a wild pony. I’ll fight him like one. I lift my leg, kicking him in the shin. The grip on my wrists loosens and I don’t hesitate, pulling from his grasp before turning and sprinting towards the drawbridge.
Abruptly, I stumble and crash to the ground, my skin scuffing against the coarse stones. Strong, rough hands seize me, pinning my arms to my sides and my face against the cool ground. A bolt of panic has me pulling at my restrained arms.
“Sybil,” Aramis grunts, and a soothing wind cascades over my skin. “I didn’t want it to go down like this.”
How dare he use his winds against me like this! I reach desperately for my magic. Aramis’ grip on my arm is like an iron vice as he drags me upright and towards the carved stone staircase and the massive wood doors—my fate looming.
“How else is it supposed to go down? You’re delivering me to my doom,” I seethe through clenched teeth. “Who will believe me?”
I was such a fool to believe this would work. Of course, it won’t! It felt so realistic when I saw the change in Aramis, but now I have to convince aking.
Another wind brushes against my cheek and temple, and I soften. Why didn’t I fight harder? Why didn’t I try harder to escape earlier?Hedid this to me. Aramis lured me into trusting him! I should have never stopped hating him.
Frantically looking around, I open my mouth to scream for help, but the rush of air leaves my lungs. I fall to my knees, black clouding the edge of my vision. A soft buzzing sounds in my ears as I take in the night sky, stars sparkling in its black void.
My body trembles involuntarily as he stands towering over me. “I’m sorry.” His words are barely a whisper over the roaring in my ears.
“Then promise me you’ll speak to your father and the queen about my innocence–” I beg at the last moment. “Promise me you’ll fight for me. That the man I met isn’t a lie. You speak of duty, then protectme, one of the people you owe by title alone.”
I look at Aramis–waiting for a fraction of the male I was beginning to know. But he offers me nothing, and I drift away into oblivion as my heart breaks.
Thedistantsoundofvoices breeches my consciousness. Blinking, I find myself splayed on a cold marble floor. My hands and wrists are bound by heavy gold chains, in addition to the iron cuff still coiled around my wrist. The warm glow of sunlight filters through the intricate stained glass windows high above me, casting a rainbow of colors onto the stone floor. The vibrant hues depict a valiant knight locked in battle with a fierce dragon, their swords colliding in a fiery clash of steel. As my vision clears, I attempt to move to one side to get a better view of my surroundings. The room is eerily quiet. The flickering candles cast shadows on the faces of the nobles gathered around, their expressions varying from curiosity to apprehension. The air is thick with the scent of burning wax and incense, mixing with the subtle fragrance of perfumes and colognes worn by the courtiers.
“Leave now,” an icy voice commands and draws my attention to the far end of the room. On an elaborate marble dais, the king and queen of Shadowvale lounge on their tall thrones. Aramis stands in front of them, his posture rigid, and Nero stoically by his side. “Attend to the task I have given you,” the Queen adds as she moves to rise. Her beauty is hard to look at. She has porcelain skin, white as fresh cream, her golden hair is cascading down to her waist in perfect soft curls. Emotionless gray eyes scan the handmaiden beside her, ushering her forward with a curt wave of her hand.