I grinned, rocking myself against his hardening length.

“What do you want, little fox?” Grae’s hand circled lower, slowly curving around my thigh, and I writhed against him, trying to get his fingers closer.

This. I’d always wanted this. Us.

My wanton voice sounded foreign to me. “I want you.”

There was no shyness, no embarrassment, not with Grae. With him, one moment just rolled into the next, no questioning it. We were inevitable.

“Gods, promise me at the next stop we’ll find time away from this bloody group.” His chuckle morphed into a growl as I ground against him. His hand stilled my hip. “Not here,” he whispered. “I told you what will happen the first time I have you.”

I pulled my swollen lips away from his, trying to find his eyesin the darkness. “You promised to make me moan so loud even the Moon Goddess would hear.”

“Yes.” The word hissed out between his clenched teeth. His fingers began circling again. “And I mean it. But I think you need a little taste now.”

“Desperately,” I panted, arching as his fingers skimmed the hair between my legs.

Grae’s lips found my ear as he whispered. “This is just a glimmer of the way I’m going to make you feel.”

My nipples peaked against his chest as his finger slid into a teasing glide, drifting up my folds and parting my warm, wet flesh. Grae nibbled on my ear, and I moaned into the pillow as his fingers found the tight bundle of my clit. Every muscle in my body tightened as he slowly circled that throbbing button. He slid his fingers up and down again, coating me in my own wet heat.

His voice was nothing but feral as he growled, “You’re so ready for me, aren’t you?”

“Gods,” I moaned, tipping my hips into his fingers as he continued his maddening slow circles. My inner muscles flickered, desperate to be filled, as I begged, “More.”

The pad of his fingertip circled at the entrance to my thrumming core, waiting as I writhed.

“Yes,” I mewled, my voice louder than I had intended.

His lips left my ear, finding my mouth as he dipped his finger inside of me. His kiss absorbed my moan, muffling the sweet, lustful sounds he wrung out of me as he slowly slid his finger in and out. He added a second finger, stretching me wider and deeper than I’d never felt before. His thumb continued to circle my clit as his fingers curled inside me, massaging my inner walls in a way that made my eyes roll back.

I ground my hips into his fingers, my body taking over as I chased that sensation building within me—a precipice I’d only ever reached with my own hands . . . and never, ever like this. Grae’s fingers strummed through my body like he was playing the sweetest song. The rhythm of his fingers matched the circlingof his thumb, thrusting faster as my movements became wilder. With every breath, I climbed higher, my body becoming light and dizzy as every inch of me homed in on those fingers.

Higher and higher, that buzzing grew until Grae wrapped his other hand around my neck, holding my mouth to his as my soft sounds turned to deeper moans. I was so close. With one more pump of his fingers, my climax blasted through me, shattering shards of white-hot bliss through every muscle in my body. Grae’s chest vibrated against mine as he absorbed my hot moans of pleasure, his fingers wringing out each little note as I clenched around him again and again, riding his hand and chasing that euphoria. My sounds ebbed to heavy panting breaths and his lips finally released me, his fingers slowly sliding out and finding my back again.

“That... was,” I breathed, my face flushing as my body echoed with pleasure.

“Barely the beginning,” Grae promised, his swollen lips brushing a soft kiss into my hair. “Tomorrow. Promise me we’ll find someplace, just us.”

“Tomorrow,” I said, tucking my face into the crook of his neck. The heaviness of sleep tugged on me again as my heart slowed. A smile twisted my lips. I couldn’t believe we just did that, and, in the same exact breath, nothing had felt more right—as if our bodies were finally acknowledging what we’d known all along in our souls: we were meant to be one.

“Everybody out!”

The shout made me jolt. Grae’s arms tightened around me before he even opened his eyes.

“Shit,” Hector growled. “Rooks.”

The sound of curtains sliding open filled the cabin. I rolled out of the bunk after Grae and quickly grabbed my undergarments and leathers. I jumped them up over my thighs, buckling them as shouts rang out.

“We’re at a road stop,” Navin said, throwing a shirt over his head. He must’ve swapped driving with Ora in the wee hours of the morning.

My eyes widened at his surprisingly muscled torso and then darted to Sadie, who was gawking at him from her bunk. I tried to hide my smirk. When the hem of his tunic reached his belt and his muscles were off display, she began flicking her throwing knife again.

“What happens at a road stop?” Hector asked.

Mina and Malou sat around the kitchen table, already dressed. The narrow galley made it hard for everyone to gather. I spotted the swaying strands of badges hanging from the chandelier, looking patchier and sparser than when last I’d checked. Had some fallen off during the ride?

Grae stepped in front of me, blocking my line of sight to cover me while I changed my shirt. I chuckled. People were frantically getting shoes on and grabbing weapons. No one was looking at me.