Page 9 of Country Mist

Heat flushed through her from head to toe—embarrassment from having asked him out last night and pleasure in seeing him there.

“Hi.” She wanted to press her palms to her hot cheeks as she looked up into his amused yet sensual blue eyes. “How did you know I had a showing tonight?”

“Henry.” Tyson nodded in the direction of the front of the gallery. “He’s talking with the gallerist now.”

“I’m surprised you came.” Her throat felt dry as she spoke.

“Why not?” His smile grew more sensual. “I’m interested.”

“Ah—” In her or her art?

“Both.” He held her gaze as he answered her unspoken question. “Your art is brilliant, and you shine just as brightly.”

Her cheeks hadn’t cooled down and were probably bright red. “Thank you.”

He gestured to an easel with a painting of a palo verde near an old barbed-wire fence with weathered wood posts, the landscape dotted with dry yellow grass and creosote bushes. “I’d like that one for my study—it would fit right in with my Remingtons.”

She raised her brows. “You have more than one?”

“I’ve got a couple.” He gave a nod. “I enjoy western art.”

He tilted his head toward the gallerist who had just walked around a display wall. “Join me while I tell her which one I’d like to take home.”

Again, a long look told her the painting wasn’t the only thing he’d like to take home.

She fell into step behind him, her broomstick skirt flowing around her ankles.

Haylee struggled to think of something to say. Her mind had turned to mush with the man so close to her.

“I saw Brady and his wife Abby as they were leaving.” Tyson kept his stride short so Haylee didn’t have to work to keep up. “Did many of your family members come?”

She nodded. “Enough to make it look like the entire town of Scottsdale turned out tonight.”

Tyson grinned. “Your family encompasses half of the town of King Creek.”

Haylee laughed and slipped her hands into the pockets of her skirt. “Just about.”

The gallerist was speaking to a guest, and Tyson drew Haylee aside. He looked down at her from his six-four height, and she had to tilt her head back to meet his eyes. “Thank you for asking me out. But I’ll let you know one thing—if you hadn’t asked me last night, I would have been calling you today, and I wouldn’t have taken no for an answer.”

She caught her breath. “You would have?”

“Yep.” He touched her forearm in a barely-there caress that sent a shiver through her. “I know something good when I see it, and Haylee McLeod, you are special.” He slid his hand down to hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I noticed you long ago. I didn’t know how to get your attention.”

A flutter went through her abdomen then she thought about last night and gave him a wry smile. “So, that’s why you chased off those men.”

He grinned. “Not by a long shot, but if it got your attention, I’d say lucky me.”

She shook her head. “Just don’t do it again, okay?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Are you telling me that if we’re dating, I can’t chase off a couple of asses who have bad intentions when it comes to you?”

“We haven’t even gone on one date.” Haylee bit her lower lip. “But if it turns into something more, then that’s fair. As long as you’re not the jealous type.”

He gave a slight shake of his head. “I’m not. But I am protective of those I care about.”

He captivated her with his gorgeous eyes, the spark in them heating her to her core. It was a long moment before she could look away. She glanced at the gallerist, who stood before a small podium, writing in her book.

Haylee swallowed and turned back to him. “Mrs. Rhodes is free.”