Page 62 of Country Mist

“Yum.” She shooed him back from the door. “Give me fifteen minutes to take a quick shower and make myself presentable.”

“I can’t watch?” He gave her a look so sexy that it sent a warm flush through her from head to toe.

“Stop that.” She waved him out of the room. “Go on now.”

He grinned and closed the door behind him as she shook her head. She stripped out of her old T-shirt, worn jeans and lingerie, and hurried to get ready. She didn’t want the Mexican food to get cold.

Half an hour later, they were in his truck, pulling up to his ranch. Freya and Zoey bounded to the vehicle, their butts wiggling with excitement.

They made short work of the takeout. Haylee hadn’t eaten much since she’d been so absorbed in her work, so she ate her tacos with ravenous enthusiasm.

After cleaning up their meal, he took her by the hand. “I’ve got to show you something.”

She always enjoyed his big, firm grip, and she walked at his side across to the opposite end of the house that she’d only seen once when he’d taken her on a tour months ago. Three guest rooms were in that part of the big house, and there hadn’t been any reason for her to go there since.

They reached the hallway with the bedrooms, and he escorted her to the last room on the left. He opened the door, stepped back, and held it open for her.

She stepped past him, and her jaw dropped. Skylights that hadn’t been there before let in the sunshine. A series of smaller windows had been added above a large picture window that looked out upon a desert garden filled with a variety of cacti and desert plants.

In the center of the room was a finely crafted easel with a blank canvas and an equally beautiful wooden stool. Beside the easel was a table for supplies needed while painting and another stool. Along the back wall was a structure like a wooden bookcase with cubbyholes for more supplies.

She turned to him, unable to believe the incredible room. “It’s amazing and wonderful.”

“And it’s all yours.” He grinned. “Have a seat.”

She moved into the room, across the floor with its eighteen-inch tiles, smelling fresh paint and wood. She perched on the stool in front of the easel and canvas. “How did you do all of this?”

He took the other stool, moved it closer to her, and sat on it. “I’ve been working on it for you for months, a little at a time.”

She looked at him in amazement. “By yourself?”

He shrugged. “I grew up helping my dad build and make things ourselves, so I have prior experience.”

She shook her head, having difficulty comprehending what he’d done for her and an even harder time finding words to express how much she appreciated it.

He held her gaze. “You can paint full-time here.”

She smiled. “I wish. I still need to make money.”

“I have a proposition for you.” He placed his palms on his thighs. “Now that I have the jerky business going, I’m ready to get my horse rescue ranch up and going.”

“That’s wonderful.” She cocked her head. “So, what’s the proposition?”

“You have a minor in nonprofits and experience working with those kinds of organizations.” He smiled. “I’d like you to run the horse rescue ranch nonprofit. You could do that part-time and paint to your heart’s content the rest of the time.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

He nodded. “So, what do you say?”

She climbed off the stool and flung herself at him. “I’ll take the job.”

“Glad to hear it, hon.” He wrapped her in his large embrace and held her to him. He kissed the top of her head. “I have another proposition.” She stepped back, and he got to his feet.

“What else could you possibly have to surprise me with now?” She looked around her at the perfect room and turned toward him. “I still can’t believe—”

Haylee’s words stuck in her throat. Tyson was on one knee, holding an open small jeweler’s box. Nestled in brown velvet was what must have been a two-carat diamond ring on a simple gold band.

“Will you marry me, Haylee?” He looked at her with solemn eyes as she stared at him. “You will make this cowboy the happiest man on earth.”