Page 47 of Country Mist

They reached the truck and loaded up the gold detector. Tyson gave Haylee a small blanket to wrap the box in, and they tucked it away on the floorboard of the back seat of the king cab.

The sun had sunk lower in the sky, and shadows had grown deep in the forest. He drove the truck down the rutted road, and she shivered in anticipation. They were getting closer to being alone, spending the night together in the B & B. Was she as ready as she’d thought she was this morning?


Haylee fidgeted with the fringe on one sleeve of her suede jacket as Tyson escorted her from the truck. They’d stopped at the B & B long enough to change clothes and for Haylee to put on some makeup. She’d done both in the bathroom, not ready yet to dress in front of Tyson.

The restaurant had an old-West facade with a sign across the top that read “Becky’s BBQ.” Rails to hitch horses lined the front porch.

He held open the door for her, and they stepped into the large, airy room filled to the brim with cowboys and other guests deep into ribs and brisket sandwiches. The cheerful chatter was interspersed with laughter.

Tyson and Haylee stopped at the hostess stand and waited to be seated. Aromas of wood smoke and meat hung in the air in the dimly lit interior.

The rustic decor included old, rusted farm tools hanging from the walls and wagon wheel light fixtures dangling from the ceiling. Picnic-style tables covered with red and white checked cloths and bench seating filled the small restaurant.

A wooden bar with high-backed stools was at the center of the back wall. A large brick fireplace took up the far corner to the right.

The room was comfortably warm, and Tyson helped Haylee remove her jacket. He draped it over his arm as the hostess approached them.

The round-faced middle-aged woman with plump cheeks and a sweet smile reached the stand. “Welcome. My name is Becky, and this is my restaurant.” She eyed Tyson. “You’ve been here before. I never forget a face.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tyson touched the brim of his hat. “It’s good to be back. It’s a nice place you have here.”

“I know it is.” She grinned, swiped a couple of laminated menus off the stand and two paper napkin-wrapped sets of silverware, and escorted them to a table near the fireplace.

They seated themselves on the bench seats, and she slapped the menus on the table and set the rolls of silverware in front of each of them. “Will you have an Arizona craft beer, or would you prefer sun tea?”

Haylee smiled at the pleasant woman. “I’ll take the beer.”

Tyson set his Stetson and Haylee’s jacket aside. “Make that two.”

The owner flashed them a smile. “Figure out what you want, and I’ll be back in two shakes with your drinks and to take your order.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tyson nodded, and Haylee smiled as she transferred her jacket to the bench next to her and set her small purse on top of it.

“I like her.” Haylee took the menu Tyson offered her and scanned the dinner specials. “I haven’t had pork ribs in a while. That sounds delicious, along with coleslaw and corn on the cob.”

“I’ll take the brisket plate with cowboy beans and steak fries.” Tyson set his menu aside.

Haylee did the same. “That was easy.”

She met his warm gaze as the light from the fireplace’s dancing flames flickered in his eyes. He was so handsome, and she wondered again why she hadn’t paid more attention to him sooner. Maybe it was because he was her brothers’ best friend.

“Today was so much fun.” She unwrapped the silverware and set it aside. “I can’t believe what we found.”

“It’s best not to say what we did find out loud.” Tyson’s lips tipped into a grin. “Wouldn’t want to start a gold rush.”

“I’m excited about the love letter and tintypes. They’re precious.” Haylee leaned forward, her arms folded on the tabletop. “It’s amazing they’ve been there for so long. Over 120 years in that metal box.”

She leaned back as Becky reappeared with a couple of bottles of local craft beer and thumped them on the table in front of Tyson and Haylee. She stood back. “Let me know what you’d like. Don’t be shy.”

Haylee gave her order for ribs and the sides, and Tyson placed his for the brisket. Becky didn’t write it down. She just gave a nod. “It’ll be up in no time.”

Haylee enjoyed the cozy atmosphere as they talked and waited for their meals.

“What do you say to a drive tonight?” Tyson slid his hand around his beer bottle. “I know of a nice location to see the stars—no better place.”

“I’d love to.” Her heart flipped at the thought of what lay in their future after that.