Celine pivoted and glared at Rod. “We have to get the operation away from Mr. McBride’s horses. Do it now.”
* * *
After taking off her saddle and blanket, Jayson had turned Starlight loose in the corral since he intended to ride her later. He strode from the barn to his home.
He held back a grin and glanced down at Thor. “I’ve always had a weakness for strong women,” he said to the dog.
Celine Northland qualified. He didn’t think she was a witch, like Monty had said, but he could be wrong. He wouldn’t tolerate anyone who was abusive, whether man or woman.
When he’d knocked on the doorframe and she’d spun to face him, he thought her glare would singe his body. He could almost smell the scent of burnt hair.
He’d also thought he’d been in for a battle to get rid of that damned drone and get their operation away from his horses.
But the moment he’d said “horses,” she had turned on a dime. He wondered where she’d gotten that concern from.
And holy shit. He hadn’t known what to think when she’d asked to use his shotgun. But when she’d shot that drone out of the sky he’d been afraid he’d bust a gut laughing at the looks on her employees’ faces. It’d been all he could do to keep a straight face.
He stood back as Thor trotted in. Jayson let the screen bang shut behind him and left the kitchen door open. He hung his Stetson on the hat tree and breathed in the scents of coffee and cinnamon rolls. Couldn’t get much better than that.
When he was in the mood for cowboy coffee, he kept the coffee warm on the burner, which gave it an even stronger flavor. The cook had left a pan of homemade cinnamon rolls on the counter, covered in foil. His cousin’s wife, Tess, had hired a fantastic cook for Jayson and his staff. Tess knew food and the way to a dozen men’s stomachs, and she’d used her expertise to get him a great cook. Almost as good as Tess, which was saying a lot.
After he made sure Thor had water and dog food, Jayson looked in a cabinet and grabbed two of his biggest mugs and two plates. He loaded each plate with an Arizona-sized cinnamon roll and filled each mug with coffee. He had no doubt Celine would be in the kitchen before her coffee could cool.
The moment he set the mugs on the table, Celine opened the screen door and entered the kitchen. Thor sat on his haunches and watched her come in.
“Phew.” Celine wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. “I am not used to this heat.”
“Welcome to Arizona.” Jayson studied the dark-haired woman. “If a newcomer makes it through his or her first summer, then they stand a good chance of coming back.”
“Right now, the only thing I care about are those smells.” She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Her stomach growled loud enough for him to hear. “Coffee and cinnamon rolls,” Celine said. “I have died and gone to heaven.”
Jayson grinned. “Have a seat.”
She opened her eyes. Before she could move to the table, Thor plopped his butt right in front of her path. She paused and looked down at him. Thor thumped his tail on the tile.
Jayson watched Thor, wondering what the dog was up to. He’d never behaved this way, and he’d never been overly friendly with anyone.
Celine hesitated. “Hi, boy.” She glanced at Jayson. “May I pet him?”
He nodded.
She crouched to Thor’s level. The dog ducked his head, allowing her to touch him. She slid her fingers through the Border Collie’s silky black and white hair. “You’re so soft.” She didn’t look up as she stroked him. “What’s his name?”
Thor never invited anyone to pet him. Jayson wondered if the dog was getting soft. “Thor.”
“What a nice boy.” She scratched behind his ears. “And friendly.”
“Not usually.” Jayson had a hard time reconciling the normally cautious dog with the one now becoming buddy-buddy with the fashion designer. “Coffee is getting cold.”
She stood then moved to the table in the alcove. She slipped onto a bench in front of a full mug and a filled plate.
Jayson grabbed paper napkins and joined her, mentally shaking his head at the dog now settled at Celine’s feet. What did the dog know that he didn’t?
Celine took a long drink of coffee and choked. “Jeez. You weren’t kidding this is strong. I can already feel hair growing on my chest.” She shook her head. “Thanks for the warning.”
“My pleasure.” He watched her take sip after sip of the coffee.
Celine was beautiful as hell with long almost black hair and eyes a dark seashell-brown. It was an unusual color, but on her it was fantastic.