Page 66 of Country Mist

He hoped his ranch would still be in one piece when they all finally cleared out.

He looked up at the clear sky again and wondered if it would stay that way. In central Arizona, during monsoon season, a storm could sweep in before they knew what was happening. Rain was a blessing for a state experiencing a long drought. This was one time Jayson prayed rain would hold off this week so that this circus would be out of town in a hurry.

“Here comes your favorite person.” Amusement rode Jack’s words. “He’s looking mighty proud of himself.”

Bring in the clowns.

Monty Tinsman ambled toward them, his belly bouncing as he walked. The muscles in Jayson’s shoulders knotted.

Thor let out a low rumble. He hadn’t liked Monty from the moment the man stepped onto the Flying F.

Jayson should have listened.

The owner of a decent spread at the foot of the Bradshaw Mountains in Prescott, Monty was a part-time Arizona resident who headed to upstate New York in the summer. Apparently, he’d told the designer of a clothing line he’d do her a favor, and she could use Monty’s ranch to do the shoot.

A poker night, a few beers, and a damned glorious bet. Now, the whole mess was in Jayson’s front yard.

Monty reached Jayson and Jack, and the bastard grinned. His over-the-top thousand dollar Stetson, two thousand dollar Tony Lama boots, movie star-white teeth, and tanning bed tan didn’t make him look any more like a cowboy than Jayson looked like one of those slick movie stars. Monty seemed to be a good guy, though, unless you counted sticking Jayson with this mess.

“I’m surprised you’d show your face around here.” Jack grasped Monty’s hand. “Good to see you, Mont.”

Jayson grumbled under his breath, “It’s far too soon.”

Monty laughed. “I figured there’d be no problem with the magazine switching locations to your ranch, Jayson.” He appraised their surroundings. “I’ve got a nice piece of property, but yours puts mine to shame.”

“I had a full house, ace high.” Jayson shook his head. “And you beat me with a royal flush.”

“That was some bet.” Jack nodded. “Don’t feel bad, bro. With your hand, I’d have been all over betting a shoot on the ranch against that prize bull of his.”

Monty chuckled.

Jayson wanted a do-over.

But what was done was done. His younger sister Bailey’s voice rang in his mind with one of her favorite sayings, “Suck it up, Buttercup.”

Where’d she get that crap from anyway?

Jayson shook his head. One of the worst things was a sore loser, and he didn’t intend to start down that path. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t give a little payback if the opportune time arose.

“I’ve got work to do.” Jayson put his hand on Monty’s big shoulder. “By the way, I hear paybacks are a bitch.”

Jack snorted. “I’d watch your back if I were you, Mont.”

Thor gave a throaty growl, as if in agreement.

Monty laughed, then took a look at Jayson’s expression. His laugh weakened and faded away. “I know you’re not serious—” His throat worked.

Jack chuckled. “I would take Jayson’s word on this one.” Still grinning, he added, “I best be on my way too. My horses aren’t going to ride themselves.”

He nodded his goodbye to Monty and flashed a quick grin at Jayson before taking off.

Jayson slapped his hand on Monty’s shoulder. “See you around, Mont.”

The man nodded. “Sooner or later.”

“Unfortunately it’s likely sooner.” Jayson headed toward the barn with Thor at his heels, and held back a heavy sigh as he worked his way through the crowd.

All this for a damned clothing line?