Haylee adored the quaint town. “Just think, Monet and his family walked this street.”
It wasn’t long before they went to the church and traveled to the graveyard behind it to search for Monet’s gravesite.
Claude Monet and his family members had been buried in a big plot topped with a large, white marble cross. “How appropriate.” Haylee looked over the plot. “All of this greenery and flowers covering the gravesite.”
Haylee and Tyson held hands at the foot of the burial plot. “I wish I had a bouquet to leave.” She tipped her head back to meet his gaze. “A kind of thank you to one of my favorite artists of all time.”
He brushed his lips over hers. “Just being here is a thank you.”
They walked back through the street of Giverny, from the church to where their bus waited.
It amazed her that Tyson understood how important art was to her, and he had taken her to the homes of two of her favorite artists. She meant enough to him that he was willing to spend days of this European vacation on some of the things that brought her joy.
When they had returned to the riverboat, they got a couple of glasses of wine from the lounge and carried them to the upper deck, where they stood next to the railing, looking out at the river and swans swimming nearby.
“It’s been a gorgeous day.” Haylee tipped her head back and looked into the blue sky before looking at Tyson again. “It’s amazing we haven’t had rain all day.”
He nodded. “It has been beautiful weather. I’m sure we’ll see more rain for the rest of the trip.”
Haylee leaned back against the rail and met his gaze. “I love you, Tyson Donovan.”
He took her glass from her and set it and his own on a nearby table, then brought her into his arms. “I adore and love you, Haylee Donovan.” He grinned. “I love saying that. It reminds me that you’re mine, forever.”
“And ever.” She slid her hands up his shoulders and linked her hands behind his neck. “How do I thank you for all these wonderful experiences?”
“You said ‘yes’ to being my wife.” He drew her close to him. “That’s all I’ll ever need.”
Tyson lowered his head, his mouth covering hers, and all she could think was how much she loved this man and how lucky she was to have him.
Excerpt: Amazed by You
“Well, hell.” Jayson McBride raised his Stetson, pushed his fingers through his hair, and plopped his hat back onto his head as he stared at the spectacle that had invaded his ranch. “Never making a bet like this again. Might never make another bet of any kind.”
Jack flashed a grin and nodded in the direction of the intruders in front of Jayson’s barn. “Maybe we’ll meet one of those models with their asses damn near showing.”
Jayson rested his arms on the top rail of the corral. He glared at his fraternal twin who should have sympathized. “Those ladies are at least fifteen years younger than us. I need that like I need a hole in my head.”
Truth was, Jack hadn’t dated in a few years, since his wife had passed, and likely wasn’t interested in young models. But Jack did like giving Jayson a hard time.
“Options.” Jack said before adding, “Monty did say the fashion designer herself is a looker and right in your ballpark.”
Just hearing Monty Tinsman’s name caused Jayson to scowl again. “He also said the woman is a witch in high heels.” Jayson sighed. Another part of this ordeal to deal with. “She’s supposed to be here tomorrow.” He glanced at Jack. “Why don’t you show her around?” He wasn’t hopeful, but he gave it a shot.
“Sorry, but I think I’ll be busy.” Jack didn’t look the least bit sorry. “I’m sure you’ll handle her just fine.”
Jayson glanced down at Thor, who sat on his haunches. “What about you? Maybe you could keep her company.”
The Border Collie tilted his head and stared up, his intelligent eyes seeming to say, “Don’t look at me, buddy.”
Jayson shook his head and stared up at the cloudless Arizona sky. He glanced toward the conglomeration of vans, makeup artists, wardrobe stylists, hairstylists, and set designers. Then there was all the camera equipment the photographer and fashion designer had deemed necessary for the shoot, and who knew what else.
Not to forget a meal wagon—the smells of dried-out pizza and overcooked corn dogs actually overpowered the odor of manure. Yeah, that was some nasty crap in that wagon.
At least nine models were supposed to be in and out of the commercial shoot in less than a week’s timeframe. At least that was what Monty said, and Jayson wasn’t sure he could trust the man after this. Nine models and four days to a week of shooting, print and film, for a new clothing line.