“There is so much greenery and beauty.” Haylee looked up at Tyson then back to everything around her. They walked along a pathway filled with bright, vibrant, colorful flowers around a waterway.
A small bamboo island was distanced from the rest of the garden because it was an invasive species. Their guide told them that Monet had wanted to enjoy the bamboo but hadn’t wanted it to take over his garden.
The gardens continued with lovely trees, flowers, and greenery surrounding them. They came upon a pond covered with lily pads and their pink flowers.
Haylee let out her breath. “To think, he painted this very pond in some of his famous paintings.” She smiled and gestured ahead.” There’s the bridge Monet made famous in his artwork.”
He nodded in that direction. “Stand over there, and I’ll take your picture in front of the bridge’s entrance.” He was always taking pictures of her.
She did as he said and struck a couple of poses, then went to him and took his hand. “Come on.” She led him past a tree that arched over the entryway to the bridge, covered with wisteria vines.
She looked at him and smiled when they reached the bridge’s center. He brought her into his arms and kissed her.
He drew back, and she sighed and smiled. “Selfie.”
He grinned, and they took several selfies with flowers and the lily pond behind them.
“Excuse me.” They turned to a young woman who was smiling at them. “Would you like me to photograph you two on the bridge?”
“Yes, please.” Haylee beamed at her. “Thank you.”
Tyson handed over his cell phone, with the camera already cued up. The woman walked down the path until she reached a point where she could photograph them on the bridge, Tyson’s arm around Haylee’s shoulders.
The young woman returned and gave Tyson back his phone.
“We appreciate this so much,” Haylee said and thanked her again.
They continued through the gardens and took a few more selfies, as they’d been doing the entire trip. They’d have plenty to look back on when they returned to King Creek.
Later, the guide took them into Monet’s colossal art studio, which Haylee fell in love with. “This makes me itch to get back to my art in the studio you created for me. I feel so inspired by Monet’s works throughout this place.” Just thinking about him painting in this very room was breathtaking.
Haylee turned in the center of the room, taking in the colorful artwork that covered the walls from floor to ceiling. How could she help but feel inspired by the space? “All the masterpieces Monet created in this place—it’s unbelievable to be here.”
She grew quiet as she took everything in.
Tyson stood beside her and rested his arm around her shoulders. “I have a feeling you could spend hours in this place.”
She tipped her head to look into his eyes. “I’m just amazed by all this color and beauty.”
He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
She smiled and kissed him. She took a step back—to think I just kissed my husband in Monet’s art studio.
Next, they toured Monet’s home. It was lovely. The guide told them the artist hadn’t liked his own artwork hung in his rooms. Instead, he had Japanese woodblock prints covering his walls.
“I find it interesting that Monet liked to have such a fluid look to his place,” she said as they walked through his bedroom. In some of his rooms, the furniture was painted the same colors as the walls. One room was painted light blue with a darker blue trim, including a glass-front bookcase.
His dining room was enormous, with yellow-painted walls and furnishings, including a china cabinet and a table and chairs. The kitchen was painted blue with copper pans hanging along one side.
When they left the home, Haylee was so full of excitement that she could barely contain herself. “If we had time, I’d go back and see it all again. I wish I could sit there and paint everything.”
Their guide ended the tour in the streets of Giverny, where she turned everyone loose.
Haylee and Tyson held hands as they headed for Giverny’s church, where Monet and his family attended services. On the way, they passed cafés, shops, and galleries.
“Too bad we don’t have time to have coffee in one of these cafés.” Tyson squeezed her hand. “That’s the only thing about being on a tour—it doesn’t seem like there’s enough time to do everything.”
She nodded. “That’s so true.”