Page 49 of Country Mist

She didn’t want to wait—she wanted to tear off his shirt and feel the hardness of his flesh beneath her palms.

Haylee forced herself to calm down. He squeezed her hand before releasing it and scooping up the picnic blanket. This time, he didn’t stop to fold it—just rolled it up and threw it on the backseat. He helped her into the truck, then jogged to his side and climbed in.

The drive seemed to take forever as she darted her gaze in his direction before looking out into the darkness. He grasped her hand, enveloping it in its warmth as they rested on the center console.

Even though it seemed to take so long, probably less than twenty minutes passed from the time they climbed into the truck and when they reached the B & B.

He parked in one of the four spots in front and killed the engine. He took her hand again and kissed her knuckles before releasing her and climbing out.

He’d made his way around the truck and helped her out in no time. Her legs felt wobbly, and she held tightly to his hand as they walked up the path. She gripped her purse tightly in her opposite hand, nearly dropping it in her desire to be with him.

The night had cooled significantly, and warmth washed over her as he opened the front door.

The foyer was quiet, just a lone small chandelier above them. He gripped her hand as they walked to the staircase on the right and headed up. A narrow rug covered the stairs, muffling their footsteps.

When they reached the landing, Tyson led her to the left. On the right were two rooms, and theirs was one of three on the opposite side of the stairs.

Tyson stopped in front of the room and pulled an old-fashioned brass key from his pocket. He slid it into the keyhole, jiggled it, and the lock clicked.

The knob squeaked as he let them into the room and switched on the light. An old-fashioned lamp illuminated the room with a soft glow. He locked up behind them and tossed the key, which clattered on a small antique table beside the door.

Tingles spread throughout Haylee. He drew her into his arms, and she looped her hands behind his neck.

Tyson smiled gently. “Any second thoughts?”

She shook her head, feeling suddenly mute.

He hooked one finger under her chin. “Tell me.”

Her throat worked, and she had to force herself to speak. Even then, her words came out rough with need. “I’m positive—absolutely positive I want to be with you.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He lowered his mouth and nipped her bottom lip in a way that was so sensual it caused her to gasp.

Tyson took advantage when she sighed and slid his tongue into her mouth. He kissed her long and slow, and he tasted of beer and peach cobbler. He smelled intensely male and of leather and a starlit night.

Haylee responded to his kiss with such fierceness that he groaned and drew her tightly into his arms and pressed his cock to her belly. He returned her kiss with equal passion, sucking on her bottom lip before he released her.

She dropped her purse as he pushed her jacket over her shoulders, and she let the suede fall to the floor.

Tyson scooped her into his embrace, and she let out a squeak of surprise. He carried her to the bed covered in a patchwork quilt and gently set her down. He toed off his boots and set them to the side as he kept his eyes on hers.

Haylee’s pulse rate rocketed as he knelt and took one of her shoes in his hand. He pulled the laces on the leather shoe and tossed it aside before pulling off her ankle sock. He did the same with her other shoe and sock.

He pushed himself between her thighs. He reached for the top button of her blouse, his knuckles brushing her throat as he unbuttoned it.

“I want to rip your shirt open and let all the buttons pop off.” He gave her a dark, intense look. “It’s all I can do to take my time.”

“If this wasn’t my favorite shirt, I might let you.” Her voice trembled even as she smiled.

He paused to give her a soft kiss, then worked on her buttons. She was starting to wish she’d told him to let loose and rip them all off when he finally got to the bottom button and set it free.

“You’re amazing.” He stared at her breasts and brushed her fabric-covered nipple with his thumb. “In every way.”

He met her gaze, pushed the blouse over her shoulders, and helped her out of it. He didn’t pause, and before she even realized what he was about to do, he had unhooked her bra.

Her nipples tightened to hard peaks as it fell away from her breasts. Removing her bra and tossing it aside, he cupped her full breasts in his big hands.

He lowered his head and captured her nipple in his warm mouth and sucked.