Page 43 of Country Mist

“I’m excited about our trip.” She still felt breathless from his kiss. “I’ve been looking forward to it.”

He stowed both on the back seat of his king cab, next to his gear, before turning back to her. “It’ll be great to get away with you.”

“Yes.” She nodded. “Roughing it would have been fun, too.” She waited for him to open the passenger side door. “But the B & B will at least have a hot shower.”

“At least.” He shut her door when she had settled in, rounded the truck, and got in on his side. He started the vehicle and pulled away from the curb.

Haylee’s stomach flipped as he drove down the street, and they headed out of town.

She cleared her throat. “I’ve been thinking.”

He glanced away from the road and raised an eyebrow. “Should I be worried?”

She couldn’t help but laugh, although it caused her belly to somersault again. “Is it too late to cancel one of the rooms at the B & B?”

He turned his head again and his eyes met hers. “Nope.” He smiled and shifted his gaze back to the road. “Are you sure?”

She nodded even though he was focused on driving and not looking at her. “I’m positive.”

They’d dated for a month now, and she’d never felt more confident that this was what she wanted. She’d wanted and needed him since the beginning, and she was sure he felt the same way.

It was quiet between them for a few moments, slightly awkward. She was sure he’d be able to hear the nervousness in her voice when she jumped into restarting their conversation.

“How cool do you think it will be in the mountains?” She wondered if she sounded lame, asking about the weather.

“Sierra Vista is in the low seventies this time of year.” He guided the truck onto the I-10 freeway. “I’d wager it’ll be in the fifties up in the mountains.”

“I’m glad I brought a sweater to wear under my jacket.” She looked out the window at the desert scenery as they left King Creek behind, and the freeway cut through the barren portion of the reservation. “I’ve lived in Arizona my entire life, but I’ve never been anywhere in Cochise County.”

“It’s a nice area.” Tyson set the speed at eighty. The limit was seventy-five on I-10, but most traffic sped well over that. “I’ve been a few times. Tombstone and Bisbee are great places to visit, and I’ve hiked most of the mountains in the county.”

“I’ve wanted to visit both towns.” She looked at him. “Think we’ll have enough time to go to Tombstone this trip?”

He glanced at her and smiled. “We’ll make time.”

“Awesome.” She looked out at the gray skies. “I wonder if we’ll get some early November rain there.”

“We just might.” He peered out the window. “When it’s cool here, it’s even more so in that county.”

“Let’s say we find gold in the mountains, and it’s a lot.” She settled back in her seat. “What would you do with ten million?”

He was quiet for a moment. “I’d start a rescue ranch and take in horses that are no longer wanted, abandoned, abused, or those the owner could no longer care for.”

She raised her brows in surprise. “That’s wonderful. It’s not something most cowboys would think of.”

Tyson shrugged. “Starting the nonprofit was my mom’s dream, but she passed away from cancer before she could do it. I want to make her wishes a reality to honor her.” He looked thoughtful. “Even without the ten million, I intend to make it happen.”

“I minored in nonprofits at the university and work with them in my event planning business.” Haylee shifted in her seat. “I’d be happy to help you get it started.”

He cut his gaze from the road. “I’ll take you up on that.”

Warmth filled her insides at the thought of the two of them remaining together. Time would tell, but right now, things were looking good.

“Your turn.” He dragged her away from her thoughts. “What would you do with ten million?”

“I’d sell my event planning business and paint full-time.” She smiled. “A very happy thought.”

He put on the blinker to get in the left lane to pass a car. “You have the talent to make it a full-time career as it is.”