Page 30 of Country Mist

He shrugged one shoulder. “I need to go to the bank to make a deposit. After that, I’ve got to get a sack of horse feed and place an order to be delivered.”

“I’m meeting a client after lunch.” She shook her head. “Helen is notorious for last-minute changes, and tomorrow’s event is no different.”

Ricardo delivered their tacos, then returned to the front counter to take the next person’s order.

Tyson picked up a taco. “I’d like to go to one of your events to check it out and give you a hand.”

He crunched a large bite, and she raised an eyebrow. “You’d be bored silly.”

Tyson chewed, swallowed, and washed it down with a drink of soda. “Try me.”

She laughed. “All right. I can always use an extra pair of hands. You’ll be sorry you made the offer—I’ll run you ragged.”

He flashed her a grin. “I can use the exercise.”

She let her gaze drift over the expanse of his chest, shoulders, and biceps. “I’d say you get plenty.”

He looked amused. “You’re making me feel like a sex object looking at me like that.”

She snorted with laughter. “I bet all women give you the once or twice over.”

He shook his head. “I’m not the jealous type, but I’d rather not think about other men checking you out.”

“I don’t mind if you do.” She gave him a flirtatious smile. “Anytime.”

He laughed. “You might regret that offer.”

They finished their meals, the banter flirtatious and fun.

He braced his arms on the tabletop. “How would you like to go to Apple Amy’s for their fall festival this Saturday? We can get lost in the corn maze and pick out a pumpkin when we find our way out.”

“I’ve never tried their maze.” Haylee smiled. “I’ve always been afraid I’d get lost and have to be rescued.”

“I’ve got a good sense of direction.” He gave her a sexy grin. “But if we can’t figure a way out, at least we’ll be together.”

“True.” She laughed at the thought of it. “I think they have hayrides and other fun things, too.” She considered her weekend. “I’ve got an event on Saturday, but I’m free Sunday.”

He put his hand over hers, and she loved how he enveloped her, not just his hand on hers but his very presence. “How about I pick you up at 2:30?”

“That’ll work.” She stood with him, and he gathered their trash. “I’ll have time to do my laundry and a few chores beforehand.”

They walked to the entrance, and Tyson tossed the trash in the bin. When they stood on the sidewalk, he smiled down at her. “What time and where is the event tomorrow?”

She eyed him. “You’re serious?”

“Yep.” He nodded.

“All right.” She gave him the relevant information. “I’ll be there early to unload and set up. If you can make it, I’ll start at four.” *She glanced at her phone. “I’ve got to run, or I’m going to be late for my meeting with Helen.”

“Then I won’t hold you any longer.” He brushed his lips over hers in a soft caress before he raised his head and looked into her eyes. “I’ll see you then.”

Haylee smiled then reluctantly parted from him before she took off down the sidewalk to Helen’s office at her insurance agency. She couldn’t help herself—she glanced over her shoulder, saw him watching her, and gave him a little wave. She had to fight to keep from looking back yet again.

Yeah, she had it so very bad.

* * *

Tyson couldn’t get enough of looking at Haylee—she had the cutest ass and a great figure. He loved watching her as she walked away from him. Damn, but he loved everything about her.