Page 28 of Country Mist

A rumble rose in his throat as she kissed him back, matching the heat in his own. His body was on fire, and he thought he would explode when she rocked her hips.

“Damn, Haylee,” he said when she broke the kiss, her mouth still close to his. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

Her lips curved into a sensual smile, and she shifted her hips to rub against him. “I think I do.”

With a low growl, he gathered her into his arms, twisted so that she ended up on her back, and held himself between her thighs. “Don’t play with fire.”

Her brown eyes smoldered as she looked up at him. “What if I don’t mind getting burned?”

He kissed her long and hard until he wasn’t sure what was up or down. He wanted more, so much more. But it was too soon to go any farther.

This time, he broke the kiss and settled back on his knees, still between her thighs. “Hell, woman. You tempt me to the point I can barely control myself.”

“Me, too.” Her eyes were dark with desire. “If we don’t stop, I’m afraid we’ll go too far.”

He blew out his breath and gave a slow nod. “You’re right.” He shifted and brought her up and into his arms, kissing her again.

Tyson drew back, breathing heavily, and he moved her to the couch. They stared at each other, their eyes locked.

“I’d better get home.” Her words sounded strained. “I had a wonderful time.”

“Yeah, me too.” He brushed strands of hair behind her ear. “I’ll walk you to your truck.”

She arranged her blouse when she was on her feet again. She retrieved her keys, wallet, and phone from the kitchen. They walked hand-in-hand to her vehicle.

He kissed her again under the moonlight, then forced himself to back away. “I’ll call you Monday.”

She climbed into her truck and buzzed down the window. She started the vehicle, blew him a kiss, then backed up and took off.

He watched until the red of her taillights disappeared around the bend, and he stood there a while longer.

He felt like he’d been blindsided. Haylee McLeod had entered his life like a storm and had captured his soul so fast it made his head spin.

Yeah, he’d fallen hard. Now, he had to figure out exactly what to do about it.


Haylee climbed out of her truck and slammed the door shut before walking to the sidewalk in front of Maisey’s Treasures, the town’s only consignment shop. Haylee would be meeting in a little while with Helen Lang for a few last-minute changes she wanted to make for tomorrow’s event. Haylee sighed. Helen was prone to doing things on the fly, which made things challenging.

Tacos sounded good for lunch, so she headed toward the little hole-in-the-wall Mexican eatery on the other side of the hardware store.

“Haylee.” A man’s voice from behind her made her groan. She turned to face Clint Taylor, who jogged across the street toward her.

She pasted on a smile as he reached her. “Hi, Clint.”

He grinned at her as if they’d never stopped dating. “Hi, darlin’.”

She worked to keep her tone friendly but firm. “We’re not dating anymore, Clint, so drop the darlin’.”

“About that.” He shoved his hands in his front pockets. “I think we should start seeing each other again.”

Haylee wanted to roll her eyes but kept them focused on Clint. “We agreed to be friends, and I want to leave it at that.”

He shook his head. “I never agreed to that.”

She put her hands on her hips, exasperated. “Clint, that’s what I want, so let’s not do this.”

“Give me another chance.” Now, he reverted to begging. “We were good together.”