Page 18 of Country Mist

Rae nodded. “He’s got a cold—he picked it up from daycare.”

“Poor little guy. I hope he gets over it soon.” Haylee turned to Abby. “Are you through with morning sickness yet?”

“Finally.” Abby put her hand on her abdomen. “He’s a busy little guy with all the kicking and hiccupping he does.”

“Hiccups are the funniest.” Rae laughed. “Jeremiah got them all the time.”

Haylee listened to her sisters-in-law compare pregnancy stories, and she hoped that one day she could join in with her own. She hadn’t thought much about having kids, probably because she’d never met a man who made her want any. But Tyson might.

A big presence slid into the seat next to her. Tyson handed her a paper cup filled with red liquid. “Rum punch special delivery.”

“Thank you.” She sipped her drink, the cool liquid running down her throat before the rum warmed her empty stomach. She placed the cup on the table and dug into the baked beans.

“You’re a great dancer.” She picked up a rib. “Where did you learn?”

“My mom taught me.” He shrugged. “She had me out on the dance floor by age four. My brothers got out of it, but I didn’t mind. I enjoyed the time with her.”

Haylee caught a hint of sadness when he mentioned his mom, but she didn’t want to pry. Maybe that was something he’d open up about another time.

She ate some of her ribs—the sauce was both sweet and spicy. She wiped her fingers with a napkin when she finished.

“Are your brothers coming tonight?” She cocked her head. “I’ve seen them around town but never met them.”

“No idea.” He shrugged. “We’re going to our dad’s place for his birthday, so I could introduce you to them then.”

“I don’t want to intrude.” Haylee picked up her spork and slid it into the beans. “Sounds like a family affair.”

Tyson chuckled. “Believe me, you’ll be welcome. My dad’s an old codger who still likes to flirt with the ladies.”

Haylee shook her head, amused at Tyson’s description.

Hair prickled at her nape—she felt like she was being watched. She looked up to see Clint Taylor staring at her from the entryway to the barn, his brows narrowed.

She turned away and clenched her spork so hard she was afraid it would snap, so she relaxed her hand. She didn’t like how he glared at her, which pissed her off.

Haylee didn’t look in that direction again and instead put it aside and enjoyed chatting with Tyson, her brothers, and sisters-in-law.

Tyson asked her to dance, so after they threw away their trash, he swept her onto the floor again.

The evening was one of the best she remembered having. He was a cowboy gentleman and treated her like a treasure.

When they left the barn dance, she was still exhilarated.

The corner of Tyson’s mouth curved. “You look like you could dance another dozen two steps.”

“I had a fantastic time.” She smiled at him. “Thanks for saying ‘yes.’”

He looked at her, a smile on his lips. “There was never a question.”

A truck’s engine roared, and headlights came on, blinding them. Haylee shaded her eyes with her hand.

The vehicle tore around the parking lot, a couple of “yeehahs” and “let’s go, boys” yelled over the sound of the motor. The truck shot in their direction, and Tyson held Haylee back so the truck could pass.

Old Bill Harland staggered into view. To Haylee’s horror, he stumbled right in front of the oncoming truck.

Haylee screamed. Tyson pushed her back, out of the way, and charged toward Bill. The truck bore down on the men.

Tyson shoved the older man across the road, then dove to the ground behind him. Tyson landed on his shoulder in the dirt, just out of reach of the vehicle’s tires.