Page 17 of Country Mist

He nuzzled her hair, causing a shiver to trail her spine. “You feel so good against me, Haylee. How did it take me this long to get you into my arms?”

She tipped her head back and met his gaze that held both desire and caring. “All I can say is it’s about time.”

Tyson captured her mouth in a kiss that surprised her and stole her breath. He moved his lips over hers slowly, deliberately, and she fell into the moment, her mind spinning as if she would lose control.

He tasted as good as he smelled, and she absorbed it all with her senses, the fire in her insides magnifying. Lord, she’d have to slow down or find herself in his bed much too fast. The way he made her feel was like nothing, nothing she’d ever experienced. All the men before Tyson were mere boys compared to him.

His breathing was ragged as he moved his lips to her ear and echoed her thoughts. “We’ve got to slow down, Haylee. I want you like crazy, and I don’t think things should move that fast between us.”

“What are you saying?” She drew away, her heart beating faster. “You want to step away?”

“I don’t mean that.” His eyes burned with blue fire. “I wanted to let you know that I’m holding on by a thread, and I need a rope.”

She put her hand against his warm cheek. “We’ll move slowly. We both want that, although I have to admit that’s not easy for me to say. But that’s what we’re going to do.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “Good. We’re on the same page.”

She smiled and settled her head against his shoulder again.

The song ended but blended into another slow dance, and they continued swaying in each other’s arms. When that tune ended, they left the dance floor, hand-in-hand, and went outside.

A breeze cooled the perspiration on Haylee’s brow, and she lifted her hair so that the air could dry the dampness on her neck.

Wood smoke rose from the BBQ grill, along with the smells of the ribs, burgers, and hotdogs.

“I’m starving.” Tyson took her hand and led her to the buffet tables, where delicious scents of casseroles and side dishes filled the air. “Where are those enchiladas?”

They found the empty pan, and he groaned before a smile curved the corner of his mouth as he looked at her. “My house next Saturday, about eleven—you bring the enchiladas, and I’ll have bunny tracks waiting for you.”

“Deal.” Her belly flipped. She wondered if being alone with Tyson in his home was a good idea—it might make things a little more complicated when it came to avoiding going too far, too fast.

She had faith that Tyson would never push her into anything she wasn’t ready for. The thing was, she might be ready for something more to develop between them sooner rather than later.

Don’t worry, she told herself. Have faith it’ll happen when it’s supposed to.

Haylee put her hand on his arm. “In the meantime, let’s find something to eat.”

Tyson retrieved two paper plates, plastic ware, and napkins and gave one of the plates to her. He took a burger, a hotdog, and a few ribs before adding baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, macaroni salad, and a green corn tamale to his plate. Haylee was hungry, but not that hungry. She went for ribs, beans, and a small amount of a couple of sides, and she was good to go. On her way by the supply table, she added a few more napkins for their inventory because the ribs looked messy.

He scanned the picnic tables for a place for them to sit. She gestured to one on the left. “There’s Brady and Abby, and Bear and Rae.”

Tyson looked pleased to see her brothers, his old buddies from high school. He waited for Haylee to slide onto the bench seat and set his plate and their sporks and knives on the table.

Tyson greeted everyone and touched the brim of his hat as he said hello to the ladies. Haylee wasn’t surprised that Tyson had met Rae and Abby since he and her brothers still got together from time to time.

He looked at Haylee. “I’ll grab some punch. Do you want the batch with rum or without?”

She smiled. “With.”

Tyson headed for the beverage table, and Brady leaned in. “I think we need to take Tyson aside and put the fear of God into him when it comes to our baby sister.”

Haylee looked at him in horror. “No way. Just don’t even go there.”

Bear shook his head. “Think we can trust him?”

Brady looked like he was giving the question some serious thought. “We’ll keep tabs on him.”

“Just stop.” Haylee rolled her eyes and shifted her gaze to one of her sisters-in-law. “Where’s my little Jeremiah, Rae?” Haylee adored the two-year-old. “Did you leave him with a sitter?”